CPB Modbus RTU Technical Manual

205Ch Virtual Encoder Configuration


Use this object to configure the virtual encoder output. You can find details in chapter Virtual encoder output.

Object description

Index 205Ch
Object name Virtual Encoder Configuration
Object Code ARRAY
Data type INTEGER16
Savable yes, category: application
Access read only
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value
Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "Number Of Increments To Be Sent When No Sensor In 0x3203 Is Choosen" to "Number Of Increments To Be Sent When No Sensor In 0x3203 Is Choosen".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "Output Signal Mode: 0=AB, 1=ClkDir, 2=CW/CCW" to "Output Signal Mode: 0=AB, 1=ClkDir, 2=CW/CCW".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "Numerator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments" to "Numerator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "Denominator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments" to "Denominator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read only
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 04h
Subindex 01h
Name Number Of Increments To Be Sent When No Sensor In 0x3203 Is Choosen
Data type INTEGER16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 02h
Name Output Signal Mode: 0=AB, 1=ClkDir, 2=CW/CCW
Data type INTEGER16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 03h
Name Numerator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments
Data type INTEGER16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 04h
Name Denominator For Conversion Of Sensor Increments To Virtual Encoder Increments
Data type INTEGER16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0001h
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