PD6-E/-EB EtherNet/IP Online Manual

605Bh Shutdown Option Code


This object contains the action that is to be executed on a transition of the CiA 402 Power State Machine from the Operation enabled state to the Ready to switch on state.

Object description

Index 605Bh
Object name Shutdown Option Code
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type INTEGER16
Savable yes, category: application
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 0001h
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history


Value in object 605Bh Description
-32768 … -1 Reserved
0 Blocking of the drive function – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (braking deceleration depending on operating mode) and subsequent state change to Ready to switch on
2 … 32767 Reserved
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