USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a serial bus system for connecting a computer to external devices. As such, it was not developed for networking in an industrial system – unlike the industrial fieldbuses – but primarily for the consumer sector. In industrial applications, USB is normally only used for the parameterization and diagnosis of devices.
Nanotec offers a number of controllers and motors with integrated controller that are equipped with a USB interface. The controllers are detected immediately as mass storage devices without the use of additional drivers and enable the parameterization of the controllers via a configuration file.
With the free Plug & Drive Studio software it is also possible to parameterize and diagnose the controllers via any PC. For this purpose, the software installs an additional driver for a virtual serial interface (VCP – Virtual Com Port) via which the data can be sent with the Modbus RTU protocol.
Nanotec offers motor controllers as well as brushless DC motors and stepper motors with integrated controller and USB interface.