Nanotec runs Innovation Contest

For its 25th anniversary, Nanotec is seeking new application concepts for its integrated motors and controllers. Design ideas must incorporate the use of field-oriented control, either with or without an encoder, or the programming software NanoJ. 

The application itself must be sophisticated, innovative, economical, and suitable for large-scale production. The submitters of the first 25 concepts that meet all of the criteria will be given a starter kit with the required motors and controllers.

Project ideas must be submitted before or on February 29, 2016. The contest participants then have time until October 31, 2016 to work on their application before the proposals are evaluated by a jury. The winners will be announced at the SPS IPC Drives show in Nuremberg in November. 

5,000 euros will be awarded for the first place, 2,500 euros for second place, and 1,000 euros for third place. 

The Nanotec Innovation Contest is open to companies and educational institutes – individuals are not included.

Proposals must be submitted to along with a short description of the application, including relevant technical data and a sketch.

More information on the Nanotec innovation contest can be found at

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Sigrid Scondo
Tel. +49 89 900 686-37
Fax +49 89 900 686-50

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