PD4-E EtherCAT Online Manual

Technical Manual PD4-E

Fieldbus: EtherCAT

For use with the following variants:

PD4-E591L42-E(B)-65-1, PD4-E601L42-E-65-1, PD4-EB59CD-E(B)-65-1

Valid for firmware version FIR-v2213 and higher Manual version 1.6.0
and hardware version W003 and higher to the archive


The PD4-E is a brushless motor with integrated controller in protection class IP65. The integrated absolute encoder makes immediate operation possible in closed loop mode without homing.

This manual describes the functions of the controller and the available operating modes. It also shows how you can address and program the controller via the communication interface.

You can find further information on the product on us.nanotec.com.

Version information

Manual version Date Changes Firmware version Hardware version
1.0.0 11/2017 First edition FIR-v1738 W002b
1.0.1 02/2018 Additions and error corrections FIR-v1748 W002b
1.0.2 07/2018 Error corrections FIR-v1748 W002b
1.1.0 12/2018 Changes in Limitation of the range of motion and I2t Motor overload protection FIR-v1825 W002b
1.2.0 08/2019 FIR-v1926 W002b
1.3.0 10/2019

Additions and error corrections

FIR-v1939 W002b
1.4.0 11/2020
  • New chapter Analog inputs
  • New objects 606Fh and 6070h for monitoring the actual speed in Profile Velocity mode
  • New object 320Eh:0Dh for setting a voltage feed forward (see Feed forward)
  • New objects 320Eh:0Fh and 320Fh:05h for setting the maximum PWM voltage
  • New object 4021h for configuring the ballast circuit
FIR-v2039-B807052 W002b
1.4.1 02/2021

New firmware version

New variants with integrated holding brake (see Automatic brake control):

  • PD4-E591L42-EB-65-1
  • PD4-EB59CD-EB-65-1
FIR-v2039-B835703 W002b
1.5.0 09/2021 Additions and error corrections FIR-v2139 W002b
1.6.0 07/2022

Changes in chapter Controller structure: New objects 321Ah, 321Bh, 321Ch, 321Dh and 321Eh for the control parameters replace 320Eh.

The current controller in open-loop is now only parameterized in 3210h, object 320Fh has been removed.

New object 230Eh Timer

FIR-v2213 W003

Copyright, marking and contact

© 2013 – 2022 Nanotec Electronic GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved.

Nanotec Electronic GmbH & Co. KG

Kapellenstraße 6

85622 Feldkirchen



Phone: +49 89 900 686-0

Fax: +49 (89) 900 686-50




TwinCAT™ is a registered trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH™.

Intended use

The PD4-E motor with integrated controller is used as a component of drive systems in a range of industrial applications.

Use the product as intended within the limits defined in the technical data (in particular, see Permissible operating voltage) and the approved Environmental conditions.

Under no circumstances may this Nanotec product be integrated as a safety component in a product or system. All products containing a component manufactured by Nanotec must, upon delivery to the end user, be provided with corresponding warning notices including instructions for safe use and safe operation. All warning notices provided by Nanotec must be passed on directly to the end user.

Target group and qualification

The product and this documentation are directed towards technically trained specialists staff such as:

  • Development engineers
  • Plant engineers
  • Installers/service personnel
  • Application engineers

Only specialists may install, program and commission the product. Specialist staff are persons who

  • have appropriate training and experience in working with motors and their control,
  • are familiar with and understand the content of this technical manual,
  • know the applicable regulations.

Warranty and disclaimer

Nanotec assumes no liability for damages and malfunctions resulting from installation errors, failure to observe this manual or improper repairs. The selection and use of Nanotec products is the responsibility of the plant engineer or end user. Nanotec accepts no responsibility for the integration of the product in the end system.

Our general terms and conditions at www.nanotec.com apply.

Note: Changes or modifications to the product are not permitted.

EU directives for product safety

The following EU directives were observed:

  • RoHS directive (2011/65/EU, 2015/863/EU)
  • EMC directive (2014/30/EU)

Other applicable regulations

In addition to this technical manual, the following regulations are to be observed:

  • Accident-prevention regulations
  • Local regulations on occupational safety

Used icons

All notices are in the same format. The degree of the hazard is divided into the following classes.

  • The CAUTION notice indicates a possibly dangerous situation.
  • Failure to observe the notice may result in moderately severe injuries.
  • ► Describes how you can avoid the dangerous situation.
  • Indicates a possible incorrect operation of the product.
  • Failure to observe the notice may result in damage to this or other products.
  • ► Describes how you can avoid the incorrect operation.
Tip: Shows a tip for the application or task.

Emphasis in the text

The following conventions are used in the document:

Underlined text indicates cross references and hyperlinks:

Text set in italics marks named objects:

  • Read the installation manual.
  • Use the Plug & Drive Studio software to perform the auto setup.
  • For software: You can find the corresponding information in the Operation tab.
  • For hardware: Use the ON/OFF switch to switch the device on.

A text set in Courier marks a code section or programming command:

  • The line with the od_write(0x6040, 0x00, 5 ); command has no effect.
  • The NMT message is structured as follows: 000 | 81 2A

A text in "quotation marks" marks user input:

  • Start the NanoJ program by writing object 2300h, bit 0 = "1".
  • If a holding torque is already needed in this state, the value "1" must be written in 3212h:01h.

Numerical values

Numerical values are generally specified in decimal notation. The use of hexadecimal notation is indicated by a subscript h at the end of the number.

The objects in the object dictionary are written with index and subindex as follows: <Index>:<Subindex>

Both the index as well as the subindex are specified in hexadecimal notation. If no subindex is listed, the subindex is 00h.

Example: Subindex 5 of object 1003h is addressed with 1003h:05h, subindex 00 of object 6040h with 6040h.


The numbering of individual bits in an object always begins with the LSB (bit number 0). See the following figure, which uses data type UNSIGNED8 as an example.

Counting direction (arrows)

In figures, the counting direction is always in the direction of an arrow. Objects 60C5h and 60C6h depicted as examples in the following figure are both specified as positive.
