Pin assignment Note: For digital inputs 1 to 6, the switch-on threshold is 1.86 V, the switch-off threshold is 0.91 V DC. The maximum sampling frequency is 1 MHz. If the I/O pins are used as output (see Defining input and output assignments), the maximum admissible current is approx. 10 mA at 3.3 V DC. The range of the analog inputs is 0 … 3.3 V DC. The encoder signal is single-ended, the switch-on threshold is 1.86 V, the switch-off threshold is 0.91 V DC. The maximum sampling frequency is 1 MHz. The current consumption of the UB_LOGIC logic supply is approx. 30 mA at 24 V DC. PCI pin assignment: Pin Name Description/function A1 GND A2 ENC1_A Encoder 1, A A3 ENC1_B Encoder 1, B A4 ENC1_I Encoder 1, Index A5 ENC1_CAP Not used A6 HALL_U (H1) Hall sensor 1 (U) A7 HALL_V (H2) Hall sensor 2 (V) A8 HALL_W (H3) Hall sensor 3 (W) A9 ENC2_A Encoder 2, A A10 ENC2_B Encoder 2, B A11 GND A12 GND A13 ADC_ANALOG_2 Analog input 2: 0 … 3.3 VSlave address, see Setting slave address and baud rate A14 GND A15 SLOT_SPI_MOSI A16 SLOT_SPI_MISO Modbus RX Data A17 SLOT_SPI_SCK Modbus TX Data A18 SLOT_SPI_CS A19 COMM_SPI_MOSI Receiver Enable A20 COMM_SPI_MISO A21 COMM_SPI_SCK A22 COMM_SPI_CS A23 I2CSCL_CANRX A24 I2CSDA_CANTX A25 n.c. reserved A26 GND A27 +3.3V_EXT Not used A28 +14V_EXT Not used A29 GND A30 BN_OUT B\ (stepper motor) A31 A32 A33 B_OUT B\(stepper motor) or W (BLDC) A34 A35 A36 AN_OUT A\ (stepper motor) or V (BLDC) A37 A38 A39 A_OUT A (stepper motor) or U (BLDC) A40 A41 A42 GND A43 A44 A45 UB_IN 12 … 48 V DC ±4% A46 A47 A48 BRAKE_OUT Control of the external brake, open-drain output, max. 1 A A49 GND B1 GND B2 U_REF_ANALOG 3.3 V DC, reference voltage for analog inputsSlave address, see Setting slave address and baud rate B3 DIO1_IO_CS General I/O B4 DIO2_CD_CLK General I/O (clock input in clock-direction mode) B5 DIO3_CD_DIR General I/O (direction input in clock-direction mode) B6 DIO4_IO_MOSI General I/O B7 DIO5_IO_MISO General I/O B8 DIO6_IO_CLK General I/O B9 ENC2_I Encoder 2, Index B10 ENC2_CAP Not used B11 GND B12 GND B13 ADC_ANALOG_1 Analog input 1: 0 … 3.3 V B14 GND B15 SPARE_PHY_TX+ reserved B16 SPARE_PHY_TX- reserved B17 SPARE_PHY_RX+ reserved B18 SPARE_PHY_RX- reserved B19 SLOT_RESET System function, reserved B20 SLOT_BOOT System function, reserved B21 SLOT_SYNC System function, reserved B22 COMM_RESET Driver Enable B23 COMM_SYNC B24 GND B25 n.c. reserved B26 GND B27 BALLAST For controlling an external ballast circuit B28 n.c. reserved B29 GND B30 BN_OUT B\ (stepper motor) B31 B32 B33 B_OUT B (stepper motor) or W (BLDC) B34 B35 B36 AN_OUT A\ (stepper motor) or V (BLDC) B37 B38 B39 A_OUT A (stepper motor) or U (BLDC) B40 B41 B42 GND B43 B44 B45 UB_IN 12 … 48 V DC ±4% B46 B47 B48 UB_LOGIK External logic supply, 24 V DC B49 GND
Pin assignment Note: For digital inputs 1 to 6, the switch-on threshold is 1.86 V, the switch-off threshold is 0.91 V DC. The maximum sampling frequency is 1 MHz. If the I/O pins are used as output (see Defining input and output assignments), the maximum admissible current is approx. 10 mA at 3.3 V DC. The range of the analog inputs is 0 … 3.3 V DC. The encoder signal is single-ended, the switch-on threshold is 1.86 V, the switch-off threshold is 0.91 V DC. The maximum sampling frequency is 1 MHz. The current consumption of the UB_LOGIC logic supply is approx. 30 mA at 24 V DC. PCI pin assignment: Pin Name Description/function A1 GND A2 ENC1_A Encoder 1, A A3 ENC1_B Encoder 1, B A4 ENC1_I Encoder 1, Index A5 ENC1_CAP Not used A6 HALL_U (H1) Hall sensor 1 (U) A7 HALL_V (H2) Hall sensor 2 (V) A8 HALL_W (H3) Hall sensor 3 (W) A9 ENC2_A Encoder 2, A A10 ENC2_B Encoder 2, B A11 GND A12 GND A13 ADC_ANALOG_2 Analog input 2: 0 … 3.3 VSlave address, see Setting slave address and baud rate A14 GND A15 SLOT_SPI_MOSI A16 SLOT_SPI_MISO Modbus RX Data A17 SLOT_SPI_SCK Modbus TX Data A18 SLOT_SPI_CS A19 COMM_SPI_MOSI Receiver Enable A20 COMM_SPI_MISO A21 COMM_SPI_SCK A22 COMM_SPI_CS A23 I2CSCL_CANRX A24 I2CSDA_CANTX A25 n.c. reserved A26 GND A27 +3.3V_EXT Not used A28 +14V_EXT Not used A29 GND A30 BN_OUT B\ (stepper motor) A31 A32 A33 B_OUT B\(stepper motor) or W (BLDC) A34 A35 A36 AN_OUT A\ (stepper motor) or V (BLDC) A37 A38 A39 A_OUT A (stepper motor) or U (BLDC) A40 A41 A42 GND A43 A44 A45 UB_IN 12 … 48 V DC ±4% A46 A47 A48 BRAKE_OUT Control of the external brake, open-drain output, max. 1 A A49 GND B1 GND B2 U_REF_ANALOG 3.3 V DC, reference voltage for analog inputsSlave address, see Setting slave address and baud rate B3 DIO1_IO_CS General I/O B4 DIO2_CD_CLK General I/O (clock input in clock-direction mode) B5 DIO3_CD_DIR General I/O (direction input in clock-direction mode) B6 DIO4_IO_MOSI General I/O B7 DIO5_IO_MISO General I/O B8 DIO6_IO_CLK General I/O B9 ENC2_I Encoder 2, Index B10 ENC2_CAP Not used B11 GND B12 GND B13 ADC_ANALOG_1 Analog input 1: 0 … 3.3 V B14 GND B15 SPARE_PHY_TX+ reserved B16 SPARE_PHY_TX- reserved B17 SPARE_PHY_RX+ reserved B18 SPARE_PHY_RX- reserved B19 SLOT_RESET System function, reserved B20 SLOT_BOOT System function, reserved B21 SLOT_SYNC System function, reserved B22 COMM_RESET Driver Enable B23 COMM_SYNC B24 GND B25 n.c. reserved B26 GND B27 BALLAST For controlling an external ballast circuit B28 n.c. reserved B29 GND B30 BN_OUT B\ (stepper motor) B31 B32 B33 B_OUT B (stepper motor) or W (BLDC) B34 B35 B36 AN_OUT A\ (stepper motor) or V (BLDC) B37 B38 B39 A_OUT A (stepper motor) or U (BLDC) B40 B41 B42 GND B43 B44 B45 UB_IN 12 … 48 V DC ±4% B46 B47 B48 UB_LOGIK External logic supply, 24 V DC B49 GND