SPI settings
The SPI parameters are to be set as follows (see also the following figure):
- The idle level of the clock signal is low.
- A bit value (MISO and MOSI) is made available on the rising edge of the clock signal.
- The sampling instant is the falling edge of the clock signal.
- The data are sent and received with the Most Significant Bit first.
- The CS signal is low active.
As long as the SPI slave has not synchronized with the millisecond cycle of the SPI master, the SPI master may only transfer a message every two milliseconds.
If the SPI is in sync with the millisecond cycle of the SPI master, the SPI master may transfer a message every millisecond.
The SPI slave can be controlled with a maximum frequency of 20 MHz.
The following figure shows the SPI signal curve:

Bus initialization
The slaves do not send valid content until a correct message has been received once from the master. Bus initialization is concluded with the first correctly received message.