PD2-CB CANopen Online Manual

Cyclic Synchronous Velocity



In this mode, the controller passes a speed preset via the fieldbus at fixed time intervals (referred to in the following as a cycle). The controller then no longer calculates any ramps, but rather only follows the presets.


In this mode, the bits of controlword 6040h have no special function.


The following bits in object 6041h (statusword) have a special function:

Bit Value Description
8 0 The controller is not in sync with the fieldbus
8 1 The controller is in sync with the fieldbus
10 0 Reserved
10 1 Reserved
12 0 Controller does not follow the target; the preset of 60FFh (Target Velocity) is ignored
12 1 Controller follows the target; object 60FFh (Target Velocity) is used as the input for position control.
13 0 Reserved
13 1 Reserved

Object entries

The following objects are necessary for controlling this mode:

  • 60FFh (Target Velocity): This object must be written cyclically with the speed set value.
  • 6085h (Quick-Stop Deceleration): This object contains the braking deceleration for the case that a quick-stop is triggered (see "CiA 402 Power State Machine").
  • 605Ah (Quick-Stop Option Code): This object contains the option that is to be executed in the event of a quick-stop (see "CiA 402 Power State Machine").
  • 6080h (Max Motor Speed): Maximum speed
  • 60C2h:01h (Interpolation Time Period): This object specifies the time of a cycle; a new set value must be written in 60FFh in these time intervals.

    The following applies here: cycle time = value of 60C2h:01h * 10value of 60C2:02 seconds.

  • 60C2h:02h (Interpolation Time Index): This object specifies the time basis of the cycles. Currently, only value 60C2h:02h=-3 is supported; this yields a time basis of 1 millisecond.
  • 60B1h (Velocity Offset): Offset for the speed set value in user-defined units
  • 60B2h (Torque Offset): Offset for the torque set value in tenths of a percent

The following objects can be read in this mode:

  • 606Ch (Velocity Actual Value)
  • 607Eh (Polarity)
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