Save Objects
The incorrect use of this feature may cause the controller not be able to start again. Therefore read the chapter completely before using this feature. |
Note |
As an alternative objects can get set and stored with the configuration file. Keep in mind, that the configuration file has the higher priority. Objects, which are stored with the mechanism described here as well as in the configuration file, will get the value of the file. |
General information
A subset of objects can be stored and will get loaded automatically with the next start. Moreover the values will be kept during a firmware update.
Only whole sets of objects (called "categories") can be stored, it is not possible to store single objects.
- Communication: parameters related to the external interfaces of the controller, like node identifiers, baud rates, PDO settings, and so on.
- Application: parameters related to the operating modes.
- Customer: parameters written and read solely by the customer/user, and ignored by the controller firmware
- Drive: Parameters related to the motor and the sensors (BLDC/stepper, closed/open loop, ,...). Some are set and saved by the Autosetup procedure.
- Tuning: Motor and encoder related parameters which are either be measured by the Autosetup or must be taken from the data sheet, for instance the number of pole-pairs and the peak current.
If an object doesn't belong to one of these categories, it cannot be saved. This applies for instance to the status and control words, and all objects depending on the status of the controller.
The list of objects belonging to each category is provided below. Furthermore, the category of each object is also provided in the chapter " Object directory description".
Category: communication
- 1005h: COB-ID Sync
- 1007h: Synchronous Window Length
- 100Ch: Guard Time
- 100Dh: Live Time Factor
- 1014h: COB-ID EMCY
- 1017h: Producer Heartbeat Time
- 1400h: Receive PDO 1 Communication Parameter
- 1401h: Receive PDO 2 Communication Parameter
- 1402h: Receive PDO 3 Communication Parameter
- 1403h: Receive PDO 4 Communication Parameter
- 1404h: Receive PDO 5 Communication Parameter
- 1405h: Receive PDO 6 Communication Parameter
- 1406h: Receive PDO 7 Communication Parameter
- 1407h: Receive PDO 8 Communication Parameter
- 1600h: Receive PDO 1 Mapping Parameter
- 1601h: Receive PDO 2 Mapping Parameter
- 1602h: Receive PDO 3 Mapping Parameter
- 1603h: Receive PDO 4 Mapping Parameter
- 1604h: Receive PDO 5 Mapping Parameter
- 1605h: Receive PDO 6 Mapping Parameter
- 1606h: Receive PDO 7 Mapping Parameter
- 1607h: Receive PDO 8 Mapping Parameter
- 1800h: Transmit PDO 1 Communication Parameter
- 1801h: Transmit PDO 2 Communication Parameter
- 1802h: Transmit PDO 3 Communication Parameter
- 1803h: Transmit PDO 4 Communication Parameter
- 1804h: Transmit PDO 5 Communication Parameter
- 1805h: Transmit PDO 6 Communication Parameter
- 1806h: Transmit PDO 7 Communication Parameter
- 1807h: Transmit PDO 8 Communication Parameter
- 1A00h: Transmit PDO 1 Mapping Parameter
- 1A01h: Transmit PDO 2 Mapping Parameter
- 1A02h: Transmit PDO 3 Mapping Parameter
- 1A03h: Transmit PDO 4 Mapping Parameter
- 1A04h: Transmit PDO 5 Mapping Parameter
- 1A05h: Transmit PDO 6 Mapping Parameter
- 1A06h: Transmit PDO 7 Mapping Parameter
- 1A07h: Transmit PDO 8 Mapping Parameter
- 2005h: CANopen Baudrate
- 2007h: CANopen Config
- 2009h: CANopen NodeID
- 2028h: MODBUS Slave Address
- 202Ah: MODBUS RTU Baudrate
- 202Dh: MODBUS RTU Parity
- 2102h: Fieldbus Module Control
- 3502h: MODBUS Rx PDO Mapping
- 3602h: MODBUS Tx PDO Mapping
Category: application
- 2033h: Plunger Block
- 2034h: Upper Voltage Warning Level
- 2035h: Lower Voltage Warning Level
- 2036h: Open Loop Current Reduction Idle Time
- 2037h: Open Loop Current Reduction Value/factor
- 2038h: Brake Controller Timing
- 203Ah: Homing On Block Configuration
- 203Dh: Torque Window
- 203Eh: Torque Window Time
- 2056h: Limit Switch Tolerance Band
- 2057h: Clock Direction Multiplier
- 2058h: Clock Direction Divider
- 205Bh: Clock Direction Or Clockwise/Counter Clockwise Mode
- 2060h: Compensate Polepair Count
- 2061h: Velocity Numerator
- 2062h: Velocity Denominator
- 2063h: Acceleration Numerator
- 2064h: Acceleration Denominator
- 2065h: Jerk Numerator
- 2066h: Jerk Denominator
- 2067h: Jerk Limit (internal)
- 2084h: Bootup Delay
- 2200h: Sampler Control
- 2202h: Sample Data Selection
- 2204h: Sample Time In Ms
- 2300h: NanoJ Control
- 2310h: NanoJ Input Data Selection
- 2320h: NanoJ Output Data Selection
- 2330h: NanoJ In/output Data Selection
- 2410h: NanoJ Init Parameters
- 320Ah: Motor Drive Sensor Display Open Loop
- 320Bh: Motor Drive Sensor Display Closed Loop
- 3210h: Motor Drive Parameter Set
- 3212h: Motor Drive Flags
- 3221h: Analogue Inputs Control
- 3240h: Digital Inputs Control
- 3242h: Digital Input Routing
- 3250h: Digital Outputs Control
- 3252h: Digital Output Routing
- 3321h: Analogue Input Offset
- 3322h: Analogue Input Pre-scaling
- 3700h: Following Error Option Code
- 6040h: Controlword
- 6042h: Vl Target Velocity
- 6046h: Vl Velocity Min Max Amount
- 6048h: Vl Velocity Acceleration
- 6049h: Vl Velocity Deceleration
- 604Ah: Vl Velocity Quick Stop
- 604Ch: Vl Dimension Factor
- 605Ah: Quick Stop Option Code
- 605Bh: Shutdown Option Code
- 605Ch: Disable Option Code
- 605Dh: Halt Option Code
- 605Eh: Fault Option Code
- 6060h: Modes Of Operation
- 6065h: Following Error Window
- 6066h: Following Error Time Out
- 6067h: Position Window
- 6068h: Position Window Time
- 606Dh: Velocity Window
- 606Eh: Velocity Window Time
- 6071h: Target Torque
- 6072h: Max Torque
- 607Ah: Target Position
- 607Bh: Position Range Limit
- 607Ch: Home Offset
- 607Dh: Software Position Limit
- 607Eh: Polarity
- 6081h: Profile Velocity
- 6082h: End Velocity
- 6083h: Profile Acceleration
- 6084h: Profile Deceleration
- 6085h: Quick Stop Deceleration
- 6086h: Motion Profile Type
- 6087h: Torque Slope
- 608Fh: Position Encoder Resolution
- 6091h: Gear Ratio
- 6092h: Feed Constant
- 6098h: Homing Method
- 6099h: Homing Speed
- 609Ah: Homing Acceleration
- 60A4h: Profile Jerk
- 60C1h: Interpolation Data Record
- 60C2h: Interpolation Time Period
- 60C4h: Interpolation Data Configuration
- 60C5h: Max Acceleration
- 60C6h: Max Deceleration
- 60F2h: Positioning Option Code
- 60FEh: Digital Outputs
- 60FFh: Target Velocity
Category: customer
No object is in this classification.
Category: drive
- 3202h: Motor Drive Submode Select
Category: tuning
Starting save process
The motor has to stand still during the process of saving and is not allowed to get started while saving. |
For each category there is a sub-index in object
1010h. The only thing to do to save all objects of that category is to write the value
1 to the sub-index. The end of the save process will be signalled by the controller by writing the value "1" to the sub-index.
The following table lists the subentry of the object 1010h and the related category.
Sub-index | Category |
01h | All categories |
02h | Communication |
03h | Application |
04h | Customer |
05h | Drive |
06h | Tuning |
Drop saved objects
After deleting the saved values the controller will reboot. |
To drop all saved objects or a category of saved objects the value
h needs to be written to the object
2. The following subindeces are related to a category:
Sub-index | Category |
01h | All categories (reset to factory default) |
02h | Communication |
03h | Application |
04h | Customer |
05h | Drive |
06h | Tuning |
Thereupon the saved objects will get deleted. The controller will reboot after deleting the values.
Verify Configuration
The object 1020h can be used to verify the configuration. It acts like a "modified marker" in most common text editors: As soon a file in the editor gets modified, a marker (normally an asterisk) will be added.
The subentries of the object 1020h can get set to a value but will get reset to "0" as soon any object in the object dictionary change it's value (except the save operation).
- An external tool or bus master configurers the controller.
- The tool or master sets the value 1020h.
- The tool or master activates saving of all objects 1010h:01 = 65766173h. The date / time in the object 1020h will get saved as well.