Cyclic Synchronous Velocity
In this mode, the motor controller receives a speed specification at fixed time intervals (called "cycles" below) via the field bus. In this case, the motor controller no longer computes ramps but only follows the specifications.
The target position is transfered via PDO, to which the motor controller responds promptly. Bit 4 in the control word does not have to be set (in contrast to Profile Velocity mode).
Note |
The limit switches - and therefore the tolerance bands - are active in this mode. See chapter "Tolerance bands of the limit switches" for further information about the limit switches. |
To activate the mode, the value "9" must be set in object 6060h (Modes Of Operation) (see "DS402 Power State machine").
Control word
In this mode, the bits of control word 6040h do not have a special function.
Status word
The following bits in object 6041h (status word) have a special function:
Bit | Value | Description |
10 | 0 | Reserved |
10 | 1 | Reserved |
12 | 0 | The motor controller does not follow the target specification; the specification of the 60FFh (Target Velocity) is ignored. |
12 | 1 | The motor controller follows the target specification; the object 60FFh (Target Velocity) is used as the input for the position control. |
13 | 0 | Reserved |
13 | 1 | Reserved |
Object entries
The following objects are required to control this mode:
- 60FFh (Target Velocity): The speed set value must be cyclically written to this object.
- 6085h (Quick-Stop Deceleration): This object contains the deceleration in case a Quick Stop is triggered (see "DS402 Power State machine").
- 605Ah (Quick-Stop Option Code): This object contains the option that is to be executed in the event of a Quick Stop (see "DS402 Power State machine").
- 60C2h:01h (Interpolation Time Period):
This object specifies the time period of a cycle. Within this time period, a
new set value must be written to 60FFh.
The following applies: cycle time = value of the 60C2h:01h * 10value of 60C2:02 seconds.
At this time, only cycle times should be used that correspond to a power of two, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The time unit of the cycle time is defined by object 60C2h:02h.
- 60C2h:02h (Interpolation Time Index): This object specifies the time basis for cycles. At this time, only the value 60C2h:02h=-3 is supported, which results in a time basis of 1 millisecond.
- 2031h (Peak Current): This object specifies the maximum current in mA.
The following objects can be readout in this mode: