Interpolated Position Mode
The Interpolated Position mode is used to synchronize several axes. For this, a higher-order controller accepts the ramp or path calculation and transfers the respective demanded position at which the axis should find itself at a specific time to the controller. The controller interpolates between these position sampling points.
Note |
The limit switches - and therefore the tolerance bands - are active in this mode. See chapter "Tolerance bands of the limit switches" for further information about the limit switches. |
Synchronization to the SYNC object
For Interpolated Position mode, it is necessary that the controller is synchronized to the SYNC object (depending on the fieldbus). This SYNC object must be sent by the higher-order controller at regular time intervals. The synchronization is carried out as soon as the controller is switched to NMT "Operational" mode.
Note |
It is recommended to use a time interval of 1ms of the SYNC object, if possible. |
To activate the mode, the value "7" must be set in object 6060h (Modes Of Operation) (see "DS402 Power State machine").
Control word
The following bits in object 6040h (control word) have a special function:
- Bit 4 enables interpolation when set to "1".
- Bit 8 (Halt): At the transition from "1" to "0" the motor start movement. At the transition from "0" to "1" the motor decelerates and will come to a halt. The deceleration is depending on the settings in the "Halt Option Code" in object 605Dh.
Status word
The following bits in object 6041h (status word) have a special function:
- Bit 10: Target position not (yet) reached: This bit is set to "1" when the target position was reached (if the halt bit in the controlword "0") or the axle has velocity 0 (if halt bit in last controlword was 1)
Bit 12 (ip mode active): This bit will be set to "1" if the interpolation is activated.
The controller follows a path linear interpolated between the current and the given position. The (next) target position has to be put in the data record 60C1h:01h.
In the current implementation, only
- linear interpolation
- and one target point
is supported.
The following setup is necessary:
- 60C2h:01h: Time in ms between two given target positions.
- 60C4h:06h: set this object to "1" in order to be allowed to alter the target position in 60C1h:01h.
- In order to set be able to drive the motor, set the power state machine to "operation enabled" (see DS402 Power State machine)
After the setup it is the job of the higher-order controller to deliver the target positions in time to the object 60C1h:01h.