Electrical properties and technical data
Property |
Description / value |
Operating voltage | 12 … 57.6 V DC |
Rated current @40°C | CPB3-...: 3 Arms |
CPB6-...: 6 Arms (for temperature derating, see Overtemperature protection) | |
Peak current @40°C |
CPB15-...: 45 Arms (for max. 5 seconds) | |
Commutation | CPB3-..., CPB6-...: Stepper motor open-loop, stepper motor closed-loop with encoder, BLDC sine commutated via Hall sensor, BLDC sine commutated via encoder CPB15-…: BLDC sine commutated via Hall sensor, BLDC sine commutated via encoder |
Note: External wiring is required for encoder and Hall sensor! | |
Operating modes | Profile Position Mode, Profile Velocity Mode, Profile Torque Mode, Velocity Mode, Homing Mode, Interpolated Position Mode, Cyclic Sync Position Mode, Cyclic Sync Velocity Mode, Cyclic Synchronous Torque Mode, Clock-Direction Mode |
Set value setting / programming | Clock-direction, analog, NanoJ program |
Interfaces | USB, RS485 (Modbus RTU) Note: External wiring is required for USB and RS485! |
Encoder/Hall | 1x SSI encoder, 1x Hall sensor, 1x incremental encoder (second SSI encoder can be configured instead) Note: External wiring is required for encoder and Hall sensor! |
I/O | 12x general I/Os (one of which can be used as output for external brake), 2x analog inputs, 1x output for external ballast circuit |
Overtemperature | Protection circuit at temperature > 80°C |
Charging capacitor | For each ampere of rated current on the motor, Nanotec recommends a capacitance of approx. 1000 µF. |