Manuale online C5-E EtherNetIP/USB

Electrical properties and technical data


Description / value

Operating voltage 12 V DC to 48 V DC +/-5%
Rated current

C5-E-1-11 (low current): 6 Arms

C5-E-2-11 (high current): 10 Arms

Peak current

C5-E-1-11 (low current): 6 Arms

C5-E-2-11 (high current): 30 Arms for 5 seconds

Commutation Stepper motor – open loop, stepper motor – closed loop with encoder, BLDC motor – closed loop with Hall sensor, and BLDC motor – closed loop with encoder
Operating modes Profile Position Mode, Profile Velocity Mode, Profile Torque Mode, Velocity Mode, Homing Mode, Clock-Direction Mode
Set value setting / programming Clock-direction, analog, NanoJ program
Interfaces USB, EtherNet/IP™
  • 5 inputs, 24 V (inputs 1 to 5) individually switchable between 5 and 24 V, factory setting: 5 V
  • 1 analog input, 10 bit, switchable 0-10 V or 0-20 mA, factory setting: 0-10 V
  • 1 analog input, 10 bit, 0-10 V
Outputs 3 outputs, (open drain, 0 switching, max. 24 V and 100 mA)
Protection circuit

Overvoltage and undervoltage protection

Overtemperature protection (> 75° Celsius on the power board)

Polarity reversal protection: In the event of a polarity reversal, a short-circuit will occur between supply voltage and GND over a power diode; a line protection device (fuse) is therefore necessary in the supply line. The values of the fuse are dependent on the application and must be dimensioned

  • greater than the maximum current consumption of the controller,
  • less than the maximum current of the voltage supply.

If the fuse value is very close to the maximum current consumption of the controller, a medium / slow tripping characteristics should be used.

▶   successivo
