CL3-E Manuale online CANopen/USB/Modbus RTU

Configuring via Modbus RTU

Described in the following chapters is how you can establish the communication.

The controller is set to slave address 5ex works , baud rate 19200 baud, even parity, 1 stop bit. All changes take effect only after the controller is restarted.

Communication settings

The following settings can be performed:

Configuration Object Value range Factory settings
Slave address 2028h 1 to 247 5
Baud rate 202Ah 7200 to 256000 19200
Parity 202Dh
  • None: 0x00
  • Even: 0x04
  • Odd: 0x06
0x04 (Even)
The number of data bits is always "8" here. The number of stop bits is dependent on the parity setting:
  • No parity: 2 stop bits
  • "Even" or "Odd" parity: 1 stop bit

The following baud rates are supported:

  • 7200
  • 9600
  • 14400
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 56000
  • 57600
  • 115200
  • 128000
  • 256000

You must save the changes by writing value "65766173h" in object 1010h:0Bh. The changes are not taken over until after the controller has been restarted.

Establishing communication

  1. Connect the Modbus master to the controller via the RS-485+ and RS-485- (see X7 − CANopen/RS-485 IN) or RS-232-Tx and RS232-Rx (see X4 − RS-232 connection) cables.

    If using RS-485, mount jumpers J1 and J2 in the correct position (see RS-485 setting).

  2. Supply the controller with voltage.
  3. Change the configuration values if necessary.
    The controller is set to slave address 5ex works , baud rate 19200 baud, even parity, 1 stop bit.
  4. To test the interface, send bytes 05 65 55 00 2F A7 to the controller (you can find a detailed description of the Modbus function codes in chapter Modbus RTU).
    The object dictionary is read out.
▶   successivo
