Manuale online PSA56 Modbus TCP

Analog inputs

The controller has an analog input with 10-bit resolution. It is located on pin 8 of X4. You can configure the analog input as a current input or as a voltage input with object 3221h.

You can read out the analog value in a NanoJ program and use it as you like, e. g., to specify the target speed.

Object entries

To read out and, if necessary, manipulate the value of the analog input, use the following OD settings:

  • 3220h (Analog Inputs):

    This object displays the instantaneous values of the analog inputs in ADC digits.

  • 3320h (Read Analogue Input):

    This object displays the instantaneous values of the analog inputs in user-defined units.

  • 3321h (Analogue Input Offset):

    This is the offset that is added to the read analog value (3220h) before scaling (multiplier from object 3322h and divisor from object 3323h).

  • 3322h(Analogue Input Factor Numerator):

    This is the value by which the read analog value (3220h + 3321) is multiplied before it is written in object 3320h.

  • 3323h(Analogue Input Factor Denominator):

    This is the value by which the read analog value (3220h + 3321h) is divided before it is written in object 3320h.

Scale analog value

You read the value in object 3320h (Read Analogue Input): This object displays the instantaneous values of the analog inputs in user-defined units.

The user-defined units are made up of offset (3321h) and scaling value (3322h/ 3323h). If both are still set to the default values, the value in 3320h is specified in the ADC Digits unit.

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