Description of the object dictionary 1000h Device Type1001h Error Register1003h Pre-defined Error Field1008h Manufacturer Device Name1009h Manufacturer Hardware Version100Ah Manufacturer Software Version1010h Store Parameters1011h Restore Default Parameters1018h Identity Object1020h Verify Configuration1F50h Program Data1F51h Program Control1F57h Program Status200Fh IEEE 802 MAC Address2010h IP-Configuration2011h Static-IPv4-Address2012h Static-IPv4-Subnet-Mask2013h Static-IPv4-Gateway-Address2014h Current-IPv4-Address2015h Current-IPv4-Subnet-Mask2016h Current-IPv4-Gateway-Address2030h Pole Pair Count2031h Max Motor Current2034h Upper Voltage Warning Level2035h Lower Voltage Warning Level2036h Open Loop Current Reduction Idle Time2037h Open Loop Current Reduction Value/factor2038h Brake Controller Timing2039h Motor Currents203Ah Homing On Block Configuration203Bh I2t Parameters203Dh Torque Window203Eh Torque Window Time Out203Fh Max Slippage Time Out2057h Clock Direction Multiplier2058h Clock Direction Divider205Ah Absolute Sensor Boot Value (in User Units)205Bh Clock Direction Or Clockwise/Counter Clockwise Mode2084h Bootup Delay2101h Fieldbus Module Availability2102h Fieldbus Module Control2103h Fieldbus Module Status2290h PDI Control2291h PDI Input2292h PDI Output2300h NanoJ Control2301h NanoJ Status2302h NanoJ Error Code230Eh Timer230Fh Uptime Seconds2310h NanoJ Input Data Selection2320h NanoJ Output Data Selection2330h NanoJ In/output Data Selection2400h NanoJ Inputs2410h NanoJ Init Parameters2500h NanoJ Outputs2600h NanoJ Debug Output2701h Customer Storage Area2800h Bootloader And Reboot Settings3202h Motor Drive Submode Select3203h Feedback Selection3204h Feedback Mapping320Dh Torque Of Inertia Factor3210h Motor Drive Parameter Set3212h Motor Drive Flags321Ah Current Controller Parameters321Bh Velocity Controller Parameters321Ch Position Controller Parameters321Dh Pre-control321Eh Voltage Limit3220h Analog Input Digits3221h Analog Inputs Control3240h Digital Inputs Control3242h Digital Input Routing3243h Digital Input Homing Capture3250h Digital Outputs Control3252h Digital Output Routing3320h Analog Input Values3321h Analog Input Offsets3322h Analog Input Numerators3323h Analog Input Denominators3380h Feedback Sensorless33A0h Feedback Incremental A/B/I 13501h EtherNetIP Rx PDO Mapping3601h EtherNetIP Tx PDO Mapping3700h Deviation Error Option Code3701h Limit Switch Error Option Code4012h HW Information4013h HW Configuration4014h Operating Conditions4015h Special Drive Modes4016h Factory Settings4021h Ballast Configuration4040h Drive Serial Number4041h Device Id4042h Bootloader Infos603Fh Error Code6040h Controlword6041h Statusword6042h Vl Target Velocity6043h Vl Velocity Demand6044h Vl Velocity Actual Value6046h Vl Velocity Min Max Amount6048h Vl Velocity Acceleration6049h Vl Velocity Deceleration604Ah Vl Velocity Quick Stop604Ch Vl Dimension Factor605Ah Quick Stop Option Code605Bh Shutdown Option Code605Ch Disable Option Code605Dh Halt Option Code605Eh Fault Option Code6060h Modes Of Operation6061h Modes Of Operation Display6062h Position Demand Value6063h Position Actual Internal Value6064h Position Actual Value6065h Following Error Window6066h Following Error Time Out6067h Position Window6068h Position Window Time606Bh Velocity Demand Value606Ch Velocity Actual Value606Dh Velocity Window606Eh Velocity Window Time606Fh Velocity Threshold6070h Velocity Threshold Time6071h Target Torque6072h Max Torque6073h Max Current6074h Torque Demand6075h Motor Rated Current6077h Torque Actual Value607Ah Target Position607Bh Position Range Limit607Ch Home Offset607Dh Software Position Limit607Eh Polarity607Fh Max Profile Velocity6080h Max Motor Speed6081h Profile Velocity6082h End Velocity6083h Profile Acceleration6084h Profile Deceleration6085h Quick Stop Deceleration6086h Motion Profile Type6087h Torque Slope608Fh Position Encoder Resolution6090h Velocity Encoder Resolution6091h Gear Ratio6092h Feed Constant6096h Velocity Factor6097h Acceleration Factor6098h Homing Method6099h Homing Speed609Ah Homing Acceleration60A2h Jerk Factor60A4h Profile Jerk60A8h SI Unit Position60A9h SI Unit Velocity60B0h Position Offset60B1h Velocity Offset60B2h Torque Offset60C1h Interpolation Data Record60C2h Interpolation Time Period60C4h Interpolation Data Configuration60C5h Max Acceleration60C6h Max Deceleration60E4h Additional Position Actual Value60E5h Additional Velocity Actual Value60E6h Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Encoder Increments60E8h Additional Gear Ratio - Motor Shaft Revolutions60E9h Additional Feed Constant - Feed60EBh Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Motor Revolutions60EDh Additional Gear Ratio - Driving Shaft Revolutions60EEh Additional Feed Constant - Driving Shaft Revolutions60F2h Positioning Option Code60F4h Following Error Actual Value60F8h Max Slippage60FAh Control Effort60FCh Position Demand Internal Value60FDh Digital Inputs60FEh Digital Outputs60FFh Target Velocity6502h Supported Drive Modes6503h Drive Catalogue Number6505h Http Drive Catalogue Address Overview This chapter contains a description of all objects. You will find information here on: Functions Object descriptions ("Index") Value descriptions ("Subindices") Descriptions of bits Description of the object Structure of the object description The description of the object entries always has the same structure and usually consists of the following sections: Function The function of the object dictionary is briefly described in this section. Object description This table provides detailed information on the data type, preset values and similar. An exact description can be found in section "Object description" Value description This table is only available with the "Array" or "Record" data type and provides exact information about the sub-entries. A more exact description of the entries can be found in section "Value description" Description Here, more exact information on the individual bits of an entry is provided or any compositions explained. A more exact description can be found in section "Description" Object description The object description consists of a table that contains the following entries: Index Designates the object index in hexadecimal notation. Object name The name of the object. Object Code The type of object. This can be one of the following entries: VARIABLE: In this case, the object consists of only a variable that is indexed with subindex 0. ARRAY: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. The data type within an array never changes, i.e., sub-entry 1 and all subsequent entries are always of the same data type. RECORD: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. Unlike an ARRAY, the data type of the sub-entries can vary. This means that, e.g., sub-entry 1 may be of a different data type than sub-entry 2. VISIBLE_STRING: The object describes a character string coded in ASCII. The length of the string is specified in subindex 0; the individual characters are stored beginning in subindex 1. These character strings are not terminated by a null character. Data type The size and interpretation of the object is specified here. The following notation is used for the "VARIABLE" object code: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Savable Described here is whether this object is savable and, if so, in which category. Firmware version The firmware version beginning with which the object is available is entered here. Change history (ChangeLog) Any changes to the object are noted here. There are also the following table entries for the "VARIABLE" data type: Access The access restriction is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the object can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the object. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of objects with values. The value that is written in the object when the controller is started is noted in this table entry. Value description Note: For the sake of clarity, a number of subindices are grouped together if the entries all have the same name. Listed in the table with the "Value description" heading are all data for sub-entries with subindex 1 or higher. The table contains the following entries: Subindex Number of the currently written sub-entry. Name Name of the sub-entry. Data type The size and interpretation of the sub-entry is specified here. The following notation always applies here: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Access The access restriction for the sub-entry is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the sub-entry can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the sub-entry. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of sub-entries with values. The value that is written in the sub-entry when the controller is started is noted in this table entry. Description This section may be present if use requires additional information. If individual bits of an object or sub-entry have different meaning, diagrams as shown in the following example are used. Example: The object is 8 bits in size; bit 0 and bit 1 have different functions. Bits 2 and 3 are grouped into one function; the same applies for bits 4 to 7. Example [4] Description of bit 4 up to and including bit 7; these bits are logically related. The 4 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. A list with possible values and their description is often attached at this point. Example [2] Description of bits 3 and 2; these bits are logically related. The 2 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. Value 00b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "0". Value 01b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "0" and bit 3 is "1". Value 10b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "1" and bit 3 is "0". Value 11b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "1". B Description of bit B; no length is specified for a single bit. A Description of bit A; bits with a gray background are not used.
Description of the object dictionary 1000h Device Type1001h Error Register1003h Pre-defined Error Field1008h Manufacturer Device Name1009h Manufacturer Hardware Version100Ah Manufacturer Software Version1010h Store Parameters1011h Restore Default Parameters1018h Identity Object1020h Verify Configuration1F50h Program Data1F51h Program Control1F57h Program Status200Fh IEEE 802 MAC Address2010h IP-Configuration2011h Static-IPv4-Address2012h Static-IPv4-Subnet-Mask2013h Static-IPv4-Gateway-Address2014h Current-IPv4-Address2015h Current-IPv4-Subnet-Mask2016h Current-IPv4-Gateway-Address2030h Pole Pair Count2031h Max Motor Current2034h Upper Voltage Warning Level2035h Lower Voltage Warning Level2036h Open Loop Current Reduction Idle Time2037h Open Loop Current Reduction Value/factor2038h Brake Controller Timing2039h Motor Currents203Ah Homing On Block Configuration203Bh I2t Parameters203Dh Torque Window203Eh Torque Window Time Out203Fh Max Slippage Time Out2057h Clock Direction Multiplier2058h Clock Direction Divider205Ah Absolute Sensor Boot Value (in User Units)205Bh Clock Direction Or Clockwise/Counter Clockwise Mode2084h Bootup Delay2101h Fieldbus Module Availability2102h Fieldbus Module Control2103h Fieldbus Module Status2290h PDI Control2291h PDI Input2292h PDI Output2300h NanoJ Control2301h NanoJ Status2302h NanoJ Error Code230Eh Timer230Fh Uptime Seconds2310h NanoJ Input Data Selection2320h NanoJ Output Data Selection2330h NanoJ In/output Data Selection2400h NanoJ Inputs2410h NanoJ Init Parameters2500h NanoJ Outputs2600h NanoJ Debug Output2701h Customer Storage Area2800h Bootloader And Reboot Settings3202h Motor Drive Submode Select3203h Feedback Selection3204h Feedback Mapping320Dh Torque Of Inertia Factor3210h Motor Drive Parameter Set3212h Motor Drive Flags321Ah Current Controller Parameters321Bh Velocity Controller Parameters321Ch Position Controller Parameters321Dh Pre-control321Eh Voltage Limit3220h Analog Input Digits3221h Analog Inputs Control3240h Digital Inputs Control3242h Digital Input Routing3243h Digital Input Homing Capture3250h Digital Outputs Control3252h Digital Output Routing3320h Analog Input Values3321h Analog Input Offsets3322h Analog Input Numerators3323h Analog Input Denominators3380h Feedback Sensorless33A0h Feedback Incremental A/B/I 13501h EtherNetIP Rx PDO Mapping3601h EtherNetIP Tx PDO Mapping3700h Deviation Error Option Code3701h Limit Switch Error Option Code4012h HW Information4013h HW Configuration4014h Operating Conditions4015h Special Drive Modes4016h Factory Settings4021h Ballast Configuration4040h Drive Serial Number4041h Device Id4042h Bootloader Infos603Fh Error Code6040h Controlword6041h Statusword6042h Vl Target Velocity6043h Vl Velocity Demand6044h Vl Velocity Actual Value6046h Vl Velocity Min Max Amount6048h Vl Velocity Acceleration6049h Vl Velocity Deceleration604Ah Vl Velocity Quick Stop604Ch Vl Dimension Factor605Ah Quick Stop Option Code605Bh Shutdown Option Code605Ch Disable Option Code605Dh Halt Option Code605Eh Fault Option Code6060h Modes Of Operation6061h Modes Of Operation Display6062h Position Demand Value6063h Position Actual Internal Value6064h Position Actual Value6065h Following Error Window6066h Following Error Time Out6067h Position Window6068h Position Window Time606Bh Velocity Demand Value606Ch Velocity Actual Value606Dh Velocity Window606Eh Velocity Window Time606Fh Velocity Threshold6070h Velocity Threshold Time6071h Target Torque6072h Max Torque6073h Max Current6074h Torque Demand6075h Motor Rated Current6077h Torque Actual Value607Ah Target Position607Bh Position Range Limit607Ch Home Offset607Dh Software Position Limit607Eh Polarity607Fh Max Profile Velocity6080h Max Motor Speed6081h Profile Velocity6082h End Velocity6083h Profile Acceleration6084h Profile Deceleration6085h Quick Stop Deceleration6086h Motion Profile Type6087h Torque Slope608Fh Position Encoder Resolution6090h Velocity Encoder Resolution6091h Gear Ratio6092h Feed Constant6096h Velocity Factor6097h Acceleration Factor6098h Homing Method6099h Homing Speed609Ah Homing Acceleration60A2h Jerk Factor60A4h Profile Jerk60A8h SI Unit Position60A9h SI Unit Velocity60B0h Position Offset60B1h Velocity Offset60B2h Torque Offset60C1h Interpolation Data Record60C2h Interpolation Time Period60C4h Interpolation Data Configuration60C5h Max Acceleration60C6h Max Deceleration60E4h Additional Position Actual Value60E5h Additional Velocity Actual Value60E6h Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Encoder Increments60E8h Additional Gear Ratio - Motor Shaft Revolutions60E9h Additional Feed Constant - Feed60EBh Additional Position Encoder Resolution - Motor Revolutions60EDh Additional Gear Ratio - Driving Shaft Revolutions60EEh Additional Feed Constant - Driving Shaft Revolutions60F2h Positioning Option Code60F4h Following Error Actual Value60F8h Max Slippage60FAh Control Effort60FCh Position Demand Internal Value60FDh Digital Inputs60FEh Digital Outputs60FFh Target Velocity6502h Supported Drive Modes6503h Drive Catalogue Number6505h Http Drive Catalogue Address Overview This chapter contains a description of all objects. You will find information here on: Functions Object descriptions ("Index") Value descriptions ("Subindices") Descriptions of bits Description of the object Structure of the object description The description of the object entries always has the same structure and usually consists of the following sections: Function The function of the object dictionary is briefly described in this section. Object description This table provides detailed information on the data type, preset values and similar. An exact description can be found in section "Object description" Value description This table is only available with the "Array" or "Record" data type and provides exact information about the sub-entries. A more exact description of the entries can be found in section "Value description" Description Here, more exact information on the individual bits of an entry is provided or any compositions explained. A more exact description can be found in section "Description" Object description The object description consists of a table that contains the following entries: Index Designates the object index in hexadecimal notation. Object name The name of the object. Object Code The type of object. This can be one of the following entries: VARIABLE: In this case, the object consists of only a variable that is indexed with subindex 0. ARRAY: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. The data type within an array never changes, i.e., sub-entry 1 and all subsequent entries are always of the same data type. RECORD: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. Unlike an ARRAY, the data type of the sub-entries can vary. This means that, e.g., sub-entry 1 may be of a different data type than sub-entry 2. VISIBLE_STRING: The object describes a character string coded in ASCII. The length of the string is specified in subindex 0; the individual characters are stored beginning in subindex 1. These character strings are not terminated by a null character. Data type The size and interpretation of the object is specified here. The following notation is used for the "VARIABLE" object code: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Savable Described here is whether this object is savable and, if so, in which category. Firmware version The firmware version beginning with which the object is available is entered here. Change history (ChangeLog) Any changes to the object are noted here. There are also the following table entries for the "VARIABLE" data type: Access The access restriction is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the object can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the object. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of objects with values. The value that is written in the object when the controller is started is noted in this table entry. Value description Note: For the sake of clarity, a number of subindices are grouped together if the entries all have the same name. Listed in the table with the "Value description" heading are all data for sub-entries with subindex 1 or higher. The table contains the following entries: Subindex Number of the currently written sub-entry. Name Name of the sub-entry. Data type The size and interpretation of the sub-entry is specified here. The following notation always applies here: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Access The access restriction for the sub-entry is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the sub-entry can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the sub-entry. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of sub-entries with values. The value that is written in the sub-entry when the controller is started is noted in this table entry. Description This section may be present if use requires additional information. If individual bits of an object or sub-entry have different meaning, diagrams as shown in the following example are used. Example: The object is 8 bits in size; bit 0 and bit 1 have different functions. Bits 2 and 3 are grouped into one function; the same applies for bits 4 to 7. Example [4] Description of bit 4 up to and including bit 7; these bits are logically related. The 4 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. A list with possible values and their description is often attached at this point. Example [2] Description of bits 3 and 2; these bits are logically related. The 2 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. Value 00b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "0". Value 01b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "0" and bit 3 is "1". Value 10b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "1" and bit 3 is "0". Value 11b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "1". B Description of bit B; no length is specified for a single bit. A Description of bit A; bits with a gray background are not used.
Overview This chapter contains a description of all objects. You will find information here on: Functions Object descriptions ("Index") Value descriptions ("Subindices") Descriptions of bits Description of the object
Structure of the object description The description of the object entries always has the same structure and usually consists of the following sections: Function The function of the object dictionary is briefly described in this section. Object description This table provides detailed information on the data type, preset values and similar. An exact description can be found in section "Object description" Value description This table is only available with the "Array" or "Record" data type and provides exact information about the sub-entries. A more exact description of the entries can be found in section "Value description" Description Here, more exact information on the individual bits of an entry is provided or any compositions explained. A more exact description can be found in section "Description"
Object description The object description consists of a table that contains the following entries: Index Designates the object index in hexadecimal notation. Object name The name of the object. Object Code The type of object. This can be one of the following entries: VARIABLE: In this case, the object consists of only a variable that is indexed with subindex 0. ARRAY: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. The data type within an array never changes, i.e., sub-entry 1 and all subsequent entries are always of the same data type. RECORD: These objects always consists of a subindex 0 – which specifies the number of sub-entries – and the sub-entries themselves, beginning with index 1. Unlike an ARRAY, the data type of the sub-entries can vary. This means that, e.g., sub-entry 1 may be of a different data type than sub-entry 2. VISIBLE_STRING: The object describes a character string coded in ASCII. The length of the string is specified in subindex 0; the individual characters are stored beginning in subindex 1. These character strings are not terminated by a null character. Data type The size and interpretation of the object is specified here. The following notation is used for the "VARIABLE" object code: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Savable Described here is whether this object is savable and, if so, in which category. Firmware version The firmware version beginning with which the object is available is entered here. Change history (ChangeLog) Any changes to the object are noted here. There are also the following table entries for the "VARIABLE" data type: Access The access restriction is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the object can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the object. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of objects with values. The value that is written in the object when the controller is started is noted in this table entry.
Value description Note: For the sake of clarity, a number of subindices are grouped together if the entries all have the same name. Listed in the table with the "Value description" heading are all data for sub-entries with subindex 1 or higher. The table contains the following entries: Subindex Number of the currently written sub-entry. Name Name of the sub-entry. Data type The size and interpretation of the sub-entry is specified here. The following notation always applies here: A distinction is made between entries that are signed; these are designated with the prefix "SIGNED". For entries that are unsigned, the prefix "UNSIGNED" is used. The size of the variable in bits is placed before the prefix and can be 8, 16 or 32. Access The access restriction for the sub-entry is entered here. The following restrictions are available: "read/write": The object can both be read as well as written "read only": The object can only be read from the object dictionary. It is not possible to set a value. PDO mapping Some bus systems, such as CANopen or EtherCAT, support PDO mapping. Described in this table entry is whether the sub-entry can be inserted into a mapping and, if so, into which. The following designations are available here: "no": The object may not be entered in a mapping. "TX-PDO": The object may be entered in an RX mapping. "RX-PDO": The object may be entered in a TX mapping. Allowed values In some cases, only certain values may be written in the sub-entry. If this is the case, these values are listed here. If there are no restrictions, the field is empty. Preset value To bring the controller to a secured state when switching on, it is necessary to preset a number of sub-entries with values. The value that is written in the sub-entry when the controller is started is noted in this table entry.
Description This section may be present if use requires additional information. If individual bits of an object or sub-entry have different meaning, diagrams as shown in the following example are used. Example: The object is 8 bits in size; bit 0 and bit 1 have different functions. Bits 2 and 3 are grouped into one function; the same applies for bits 4 to 7. Example [4] Description of bit 4 up to and including bit 7; these bits are logically related. The 4 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. A list with possible values and their description is often attached at this point. Example [2] Description of bits 3 and 2; these bits are logically related. The 2 in square brackets specifies the number of related bits. Value 00b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "0". Value 01b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "0" and bit 3 is "1". Value 10b: The description here applies if bit 2 is "1" and bit 3 is "0". Value 11b: The description here applies if bit 2 and bit 3 are "1". B Description of bit B; no length is specified for a single bit. A Description of bit A; bits with a gray background are not used.