100Dh Live Time Factor
This object is a multiplier which, multiplied by object 100Ch, yields the time window for the Nodeguarding protocol in milliseconds. See also Nodeguarding.
Note: The
Heartbeat protocol has a higher priority than
Nodeguarding. If both protocols are activated simultaneously, the Node Guarding Timer is suppressed, but no EMCY message is sent either.
This object is only available in device variants with CANopen connection.
Object description
Index | 100Dh |
Object name | Live Time Factor |
Object Code | VARIABLE |
Data type | UNSIGNED8 |
Savable | yes, category: communication |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | no |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00h |
Firmware version | FIR-v1426 |
Change history |