Manuale online N5 Modbus RTU

2014h Current-IPv4-Address


Contains the currently active IP address in the form of a 32-bit word.

Object description

Index 2014h
Object name Current-IPv4-Address
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type UNSIGNED32
Savable no
Access read only
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v1450: "Object Name" entry changed from "Current-IP-Address" to "Current-IPv4-Address".


IP Address Part 1 [8]
Specifies the first part of the IP address
IP Address Part 2 [8]
Specifies the second part of the IP address
IP Address Part 3 [8]
Specifies the third part of the IP address
IP Address Part 4 [8]
Specifies the fourth part of the IP address


Address is first converted to hexadecimal format, resulting in the following configuration value:

192 => C0h

168 => A8h

2 => 02h

0 => 0

The corresponding adjustment value is then C0A80200h.

▶   successivo
