2039h Motor Currents
This object contains the measured motor currents in mA. All values are peak values (√2*rms), up to the total current in subindex 05h.
Object description
Index | 2039h |
Object name | Motor Currents |
Object Code | ARRAY |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Savable | no |
Firmware version | FIR-v1426 |
Change history |
Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 01 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO". Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 02 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO". Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 03 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO". Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 04 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO". Firmware version FIR-v2213: subindex 05h, "Actual Current" added. Phase currents Ia and Ib changed to Iα and Iβ (Clarke transformation). |
Value description
Subindex | 00h |
Name | Number Of Entries |
Data type | UNSIGNED8 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | no |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 05h |
Subindex | 01h |
Name | Id |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | TX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
Subindex | 02h |
Name | Iq |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | TX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
Subindex | 03h |
Name | Iα |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | TX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
Subindex | 04h |
Name | Iβ |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | TX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
Subindex | 05h |
Name | Actual Current |
Data type | INTEGER32 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | TX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
- 01h: Field-forming components of the current
- 02h: Torque-forming components of the current
- 03h: Iα
- 04h: Iβ
- 05h: total current divided by √2, i.e., calculated down to a motor phase. In
closed-loop, the sign of Iq is also used. The current value can then be placed on a scale to compare with the current from 6075h, 2031h and 203Bh:05h.
open-loop: I = √(Iα ² + Iβ ²) / √2
Closed Loop:I = sgn(Iq ) * √(Iα ² + Iβ ²) / √2