Overtemperature protection
Above a temperature of approx. 75°C on the power board (corresponds to 65–72°C outside on the back cover), the power part of the controller switches off and the error bit is set (see objects 1001h and 1003h). After cooling down and confirming the error (see table for the controlword, "Fault reset"), the controller again functions normally.
- Operating voltage / logic voltage: 48/24 V DC
- Motor current: Rated current (see Electrical properties and technical data)
- Operation mode: open-loop, velocity mode 100 rpm
- Ambient temperature: 25 °C / 40 °C
- Altitude of site: 500 m above sea level
- No external cooling in the climatic chamber, e. g., via fan
- Motor flange-mounted to aluminum plate (30 cm x 30 cm x 2 cm)
At both 25 °C as well as at 40 °C, the motor was in operation for more than 3 hours without being switched off. The temperature reached its maximum after approx. 30 min. and then remained stable.