Manuale online PD6-E/-EB EtherNet/IP

3501h EtherNetIP Rx PDO Mapping


The objects for RX mapping can be written in this object.


To be able to change the mapping, you must first deactivate it by setting subindex 0h to "0".

After writing the objects to the respective subindices, enter the number of mapped objects in subindex 0h.

Object description

Index 3501h
Object name EtherNetIP Rx PDO Mapping
Object Code ARRAY
Data type UNSIGNED32
Savable yes, category: communication
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value
Firmware version FIR-v1748-B538662
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v2139-B1019507: "Name" entry changed from "Highest Sub-index Supported" to "Number Of Entries".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 20h
Subindex 01h
Name 1st Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 22910120h
Subindex 02h
Name 2nd Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 22910210h
Subindex 03h
Name 3rd Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 22910308h
Subindex 04h
Name 4th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 22910408h
Subindex 05h
Name 5th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 60FE0120h
Subindex 06h
Name 6th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000120h
Subindex 07h
Name 7th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000220h
Subindex 08h
Name 8th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000320h
Subindex 09h
Name 9th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000420h
Subindex 0Ah
Name 10th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000520h
Subindex 0Bh
Name 11th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000620h
Subindex 0Ch
Name 12th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000720h
Subindex 0Dh
Name 13th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000820h
Subindex 0Eh
Name 14th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000920h
Subindex 0Fh
Name 15th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000A20h
Subindex 10h
Name 16th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000B20h
Subindex 11h
Name 17th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000C20h
Subindex 12h
Name 18th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000D20h
Subindex 13h
Name 19th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000E20h
Subindex 14h
Name 20th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24000F20h
Subindex 15h
Name 21th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001020h
Subindex 16h
Name 22th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001120h
Subindex 17h
Name 23th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001220h
Subindex 18h
Name 24th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001320h
Subindex 19h
Name 25th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001420h
Subindex 1Ah
Name 26th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001520h
Subindex 1Bh
Name 27th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001620h
Subindex 1Ch
Name 28th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001720h
Subindex 1Dh
Name 29th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001820h
Subindex 1Eh
Name 30th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001920h
Subindex 1Fh
Name 31th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001A20h
Subindex 20h
Name 32th Object To Be Mapped
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 24001B20h
▶   successivo
