PD6-E/-EB-M EtherCAT Online Manual

CiA 402 Power State Machine

State machine

CiA 402

To switch the controller to the ready state, it is necessary to run through a state machine. This is defined in CANopen standard 402. State changes are requested in object 6040h (controlword). The actual state of the state machine can be found in object 6041h (statusword).


State changes are requested via object 6040h (controlword).

State transitions

The diagram shows the possible state transitions.

Listed in the following table are the bit combinations for the controlword that result in the corresponding state transitions. An X here corresponds to a bit state that requires no further consideration. Exceptions are the resetting of the error (fault reset) and the changeover from Quick Stop Active to Operation Enabled: the transition is only requested by the rising edge of the bit.

Command Bit in object 6040h Transition
Bit 7 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Shutdown 0 X 1 1 0 2, 6, 8
Switch on 0 0 1 1 1 3
Disable voltage 0 X X 0 X 7, 10, 9, 12
Quick stop 0 X 0 1 X 11
Disable operation 0 0 1 1 1 5
Enable operation 0 1 1 1 1 4
Enable operation after Quick stop 0 1 1 1 16
Fault / warning reset X X X X 15


Listed in the following table are the bit masks that break down the state of the controller.

Statusword (6041h) State
xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000 Not ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x1xx 0000 Switch on disabled
xxxx xxxx x01x 0001 Ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0011 Switched on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0111 Operation enabled
xxxx xxxx x00x 0111 Quick stop active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1111 Fault reaction active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1000 Fault

After switching on and successfully completing the self-test, the controller reaches the Switch on disabled state.

Note: If an unrecoverable error occurs, the controller changes to the Not ready to switch on state and remains there.

Operating mode

The operating mode is set in object 6060h. The actually active operating mode is displayed in 6061h.

The operating mode can be set or changed at any time.

Behavior upon exiting the Operation enabled state

Halt motion reactions

Various halt motion reactions can be programmed upon exiting the Operation enabled state.

The following graphic shows an overview of the halt motion reactions.

Quick stop active

Transition to the Quick stop active state (quick stop option):

In this case, the action stored in object 605Ah is executed (see following table).

Value in object 605Ah Description
0 Switch off driver without deceleration ramp; drive function blocked – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (deceleration ramp depending on operating mode) and subsequent state change to Switch on disabled
2 Braking with quick stop ramp (6085h) and subsequent state change to Switch on disabled
5 Braking with slow down ramp (deceleration ramp depending on operating mode) and subsequent state change to Quick stop active; control does not switch off and the motor remains energized. You can switch back to the Operation enabled state.
6 Braking with quick stop ramp (6085h) and subsequent state change to Quick Stop Active; control does not switch off and the motor remains energized. You can switch back to the Operation enabled state.

The Quick stop active state can also be reached when a limit switch is actuated; see Limitation of the range of motion.

Ready to switch on

Transition to the Ready to switch on state (shutdown option):

In this case, the action stored in object 605Bh is executed (see following table).

Value in object 605Bh Description
-32768 … -1 Reserved
0 Switch off driver without deceleration ramp; drive function blocked – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (braking deceleration depending on operating mode) and subsequent state change to Ready to switch on
2 … 32767 Reserved

Switched on

Transition to the Switched on state (disable operation option):

In this case, the action stored in object 605Ch is executed (see following table).

Value in object 605Ch Description
-32768 … -1 Reserved
0 Switch off driver without deceleration ramp; drive function blocked – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (braking deceleration depending on operating mode) and subsequent state change to Switched on
2 … 32767 Reserved


Case of an error (fault):

If an error occurs, the motor will brake according to the value stored in object 605Eh.

Value in object 605Eh Description
-32768 … -1 Reserved
0 Switch off driver without deceleration ramp; drive function blocked – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (braking deceleration depending on operating mode)
2 Braking with quick stop ramp (6085h)
3 … 32767 Reserved

For each error that occurs, a more precise error code is stored in object 1003h.

Following/slippage error

If a following or slippage error occurs, the motor is braked according to the value stored in object 3700h.

Value Description
-32768 … -2 Reserved
-1 no reaction
0 Switch off driver without deceleration ramp; drive function blocked – motor can turn freely
1 Braking with slow down ramp (braking deceleration depending on operating mode)
2 Braking with quick stop ramp (6085h)
3 … 32767 reserved

You can deactivate error monitoring by setting object 6065h to the value "-1" (FFFFFFFFh) or object 60F8h to the value "7FFFFFFFh".

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