PD1-C Manuale online Modbus RTU

Digital inputs and outputs

This product is equipped with digital inputs and outputs. You can find the exact number for the given product variant in chapter Pin assignment.

In 323Ah User Pin Settings, you configure the hardware as follows:

  • Subindex 01h: Here, you define the level for the inputs/outputs:
    • Value "0": 5 V
    • Value "1": 24 V (inputs) or +Up (outputs)
    Note: Use for the inputs a voltage that is smaller than the operating voltage +Up.
  • Subindex 02h: Here, you define the wiring for the digital inputs:
    • Value "0" (Pull-Down): High level when 5/24 V at Pin.
    • Value "1" (Pull-Up): High level without external voltage at Pin.

Digital inputs


Note: For digital inputs with 5 V, the length of the supply lines must not exceed 3 meters.
Note: The digital inputs are sampled once per millisecond. Signal changes at the input less than one millisecond in duration are not processed.

Computation of the inputs

Object 60FDh (Digital Inputs) contains a summary of the inputs and the special functions. The current status of the inputs is likewise read out from object 324Ah Inputs (including Hall sensors and incremental encoders, if present).

The following table lists the value of the corresponding bit in the respective object for the inputs depending on the configuration in 323Ah User Pin Settings:

Voltage at pin Subindex 02

(Pull-Up Enable)

Subindex 01

(Voltage Level Select)

Bit value
n.c 0 (Pull-Down) X 0
GND 0 (Pull-Down) X 0
5 V 0 (Pull-Down) 0 (5  ) 1
5 V 0 (Pull-Down) 1 (24  ) 0
24 V 0 (Pull-Down) 1 (24  ) 1
n.c. 1 (Pull-Up) X 1
GND 1 (Pull-Up) X 0
5 V 1 (Pull-Up) 0 (5  ) 1
5 V 1 (Pull-Up) 1 (24  ) 0
24 V 1 (Pull-Up) 1 (24  ) 1

Input Routing


To perform the assignment of the inputs more flexibly, there is a mode called Input Routing Mode. This assigns a signal of a source to a bit in object 60FDh.


Object 3242h determines which signal source is routed to which bit of 60FDh. Subindex 01h of 3242h determines bit 0, subindex 02h determines bit 1, and so forth. The signal sources and their numbers can be found in the following lists.

dec hex Signal source
00 00 Signal is always 0
01 01 physical input 1
02 02 Physical input 2
03 03 Physical input 3
04 04 Physical input 4
05 05 Physical input 5
06 06 Physical input 6
07 07 Physical input 7
08 08 Physical input 8
09 09 Physical input 9
10 0A physical input 10
11 0B Physical input 11
12 0C physical input 12
13 0D Physical input 13
14 0E Physical input 14
15 0F Physical input 15
16 10 Physical input 16
65 41 Hall input "U"
66 42 Hall input "V"
67 43 Hall input "W"
68 44 Encoder input "A"
69 45 Encoder input "B"
70 46 Encoder input "Index"
81 51 Negative block
82 52 Positive block
90 5A Analog input

The following table describes the inverted signals of the previous table.

dec hex Signal source
128 80 Signal is always 1
129 81 Inverted physical input 1
130 82 Inverted physical input 2
131 83 Inverted physical input 3
132 84 Inverted physical input 4
133 85 Inverted physical input 5
134 86 Inverted physical input 6
135 87 Inverted physical input 7
136 88 Inverted physical input 8
137 89 Inverted physical input 9
138 8A Inverted physical input 10
139 8B Inverted physical input 11
140 8C Inverted physical input 12
141 8D Inverted physical input 13
142 8E Inverted physical input 14
143 8F Inverted physical input 15
144 90 Inverted physical input 16
193 C1 Inverted Hall input "U"
194 C2 Inverted Hall input "V"
195 C3 Inverted Hall input "W"
196 C4 Inverted encoder input "A"
197 C5 Inverted encoder input "B"
198 C6 Inverted encoder input "Index"


Input 1 is to be routed to bit 16 of object 60FDh:

The number of the signal source for input 1 is "1". The routing for bit 16 is written in 3242h:11h.

Hence, object 3242h:11h must be set to the value "1".

Interlock function

The interlock function is a release that you control via bit 3 in 60FDh. If this bit is set to "1", the motor can move. If the bit is set to "0", the controller switches to the error state and the action stored in 605Eh is executed.

To activate the interlock function, you must switch on the special function by setting bit 3 in 3240:01h to "1".

Use Input Routing to define which signal source is routed to bit 3 of 60FDh and is to control the interlock function.


Input 4 is to be routed to bit 3 of object 60FDh to control the interlock function. A low level is to result in an error state.

  1. To route input 4 to bit 3, set 3242h:04h to "4".

Digital outputs


The outputs are controlled via object 60FEh. Here, output 1 corresponds to bit 16 in object 60FEh, output 2 corresponds to bit 17, etc., as with the inputs. The outputs with special functions are entered in the firmware in the lower bits 0 to 15. The only bit assigned at the present time is bit 0, which controls the motor brake.


The digital outputs are push-pull. The voltage at the pin in the high state is either 5 V (323Ah:01h=0) or +Up (323Ah:01h=1). The current should not exceed 50 mA.

Output Routing


The "Output Routing Mode" assigns an output a signal source; a control bit in object 60FEh:01h switches the signal on or off.

The source is selected with 3252h:01 to n in the "high byte" (bit 15 to bit 8). The assignment of a control bit from object 60FEh:01h is performed in the "low byte" (bit 7 to bit 0) of 3252h:01h to n (see following figure).


The subindex of object 3252h determines which signal source is routed to which output. The output assignments are listed in the following:

Note: The maximum output frequency of the PWM output (software PWM) is 2 kHz. All other outputs can only produce signals up to 500 Hz.

Subindices 3252h:01h to 0nh are 16 bits wide, whereby the high byte selects the signal source (e. g., the PWM generator) and the low byte determines the control bit in object 60FEh:01.

Bit 7 of 3252h:01h to 0nh inverts the controller from object 60FEh:01. Normally, value "1" in object 60FEh:01h switches on the signal; if bit 7 is set, the value "0" switches on the signal.

Number in 3252:01 to 0n
00XXh Output is always "1"
01XXh Output is always "0"
02XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 1
03XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 2
04XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 4
05XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 8
06XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 16
07XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 32
08XXh Encoder signal (6063h) with frequency divider 64
09XXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 1
0AXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 2
0BXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 4
0CXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 8
0DXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 16
0EXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 32
0FXXh Position Actual Value (6064h) with frequency divider 64

On any change of the "encoder signal" (6063h) or the current position (6064h in user-defined units) by an increment, a pulse is output at the digital input (for frequency divider 1). Take this into account when selecting the frequency divider and the unit, especially when using sensors with low resolution (such as Hall sensors).


The encoder signal (6063h) is to be applied to output 1 with a frequency divider 4. The output is to be controlled with bit 5 of object 60FE:01.

  • 3250h:08h = 1 (activate routing)
  • 3252h:02h = 0405h (04XXh + 0005h)
  • 04XXh: Encoder signal with frequency divider 4
  • 0005h: Selection of bit 5 of 60FE:01

The output is switched on by setting bit 5 in object 60FE:01.


The brake PWM signal is to be applied to output 2. Because the automatic brake control uses bit 0 of 60FE:01h, this should be used as control bit.

  • 3250h:08h = 1 (activate routing)
  • 3252h:03h = 1080h (=10XXh + 0080h). Where:
    • 10XXh: Brake PWM signal
    • 0080h: Selection of the inverted bit 0 of object 60FE:01
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