PD4-EB-MA CANopen Online Manual

1F80h NMT Startup


In this object you can set whether, after starting the controller, the state is automatically switched to the NMT state Operational. See also chapter Network Management (NMT).

Object description

Index 1F80h
Object name NMT Startup
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type UNSIGNED32
Savable yes, category: communication
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h
Firmware version FIR-v1748-B531667
Change history


  • Value "0"h: The state of the NMT state machine after initialization is Pre-Operational.
  • Value "8"h (bit 3): The state of the NMT state machine after initialization is Operational.
▶   successivo
