PROFIdrive Object Dictionary
This chapter contains a description of all PROFIdrive parameters. In the chapter Description of the object dictionary you can find a description of all objects that the product supports, including the Nanotec objects based on the CiA 402 device profile. PROFIDrive uses decimal notation for parameter numbers. If a parameter/object is noted in hexadecimal in this document, it is an object from the CiA 402 profile.
You will find information here on:
- Functions
- Object descriptions ("Index")
- Value descriptions ("Subindices")
- Descriptions of bits
- Description of the object
Data types
The data type (size and interpretation) of the entry is specified for each parameter. Following data types are supported:.
- UNSIGNED 8,16 or 32 bit
- INTEGER (=SIGNED) 8,16 or 32
- REAL (=FLOAT) 8,16 or 32 bit
- V2: The object consists of 16 boolean variables (bits) in two Octets.
- N2/N4: Linear normalised value (SINT16 for N2 and SINT32 for N4). 0 % corresponds to 0, 100 % of the reference value corresponds to 214 for N2 or 230 for N4 resp.