Manuale online NP5 CANopen

2039h Motor Currents


This object contains the measured motor currents in mA. All values are peak values, (✓2*rms).

Object description

Index 2039h
Object name Motor Currents
Object Code ARRAY
Data type INTEGER32
Savable no
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 01 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 02 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 03 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1504: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 04 changed from "no" to "TX-PDO".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read only
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 04h
Subindex 01h
Name I_d
Data type INTEGER32
Access read only
PDO mapping TX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h
Subindex 02h
Name I_q
Data type INTEGER32
Access read only
PDO mapping TX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h
Subindex 03h
Name I_a
Data type INTEGER32
Access read only
PDO mapping TX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h
Subindex 04h
Name I_b
Data type INTEGER32
Access read only
PDO mapping TX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h


  • 01h: Field-forming components of the current
  • 02h: Torque-forming components of the current
  • 03h: Phase current in phase A (stepper motor) or U (BLDC motor)
  • 04h: Phase current in phase B (stepper motor ) or W (BLDC motor)
Note: Motor currents I_d (subindex 01h) and I_q (subindex 02h) are only displayed if closed loop was activated; the value 0 is otherwise output.
▶   successivo
