PD6-E/-EB EtherCAT Online Manual

Special drive modes (clock-direction and analog speed)

You have the possibility to control the motor directly via the clock and direction input or the analog input by activating the special drive modes.These include:

You can also determine the control modeopen-loop or closed-loop.

Digital input 3 serves here as an enable (see X2 — Inputs/outputs and external logic supply).

Note: After activating the special drive modes, the state of the CiA 402 Power State Machine is controlled only via a digital input (enable). State changes that are requested in object 6040h (controlword) have no effect.


To activate the special drive modes, you must enter the value "2" in 4015h:01h. In 4015h:02h, set the mode by writing a value between "00"h and "0F"h.

The following table lists all possible modes and their value for 4015:02h:

Value Mode
00h/01h Clock-direction - - Open-Loop
02h Clock-direction (test run) Test run with 30 rpm Clockwise direction of rotation Open-Loop
03h Clock-direction (test run) Test run with 30 rpm Counterclockwise direction of rotation Open-Loop
04h Analog speed Direction via "Direction" input Maximum speed 1000 rpm Open-Loop
05h Analog speed Direction via "Direction" input Maximum speed 100 rpm Open-Loop
06h Analog speed Offset 5 V (joystick mode) Maximum speed 1000 rpm Open-Loop
07h Analog speed Offset 5 V (joystick mode) Maximum speed 100 rpm Open-Loop
08h/09h Clock-direction - - Closed-Loop
0Ah Clock-direction (test run) Test run with 30 rpm Clockwise direction of rotation Closed-Loop
0Bh Clock-direction (test run) Test run with 30 rpm Counterclockwise direction of rotation Closed-Loop
0Ch Analog speed Direction via "Direction" input Maximum speed 1000 rpm Closed-Loop
0Dh Analog speed Direction via "Direction" input Maximum speed 100 rpm Closed-Loop
0Eh Analog speed Offset 5 V (joystick mode) Maximum speed 1000 rpm Closed-Loop
0Fh Analog speed Offset 5 V (joystick mode) Maximum speed 100 rpm Closed-Loop

You must save object 4015h (application category) (see chapterSaving objects); the changes do not take effect until after the controller is restarted.

Analog speed

The controller internally sets the operating mode to Velocity. To preset the speed, the voltage on the analog input is used and the corresponding target speed is written in 6042h.

Maximum speed

The maximum speed can be changed between 100 rpm and 1000 rpm; the controller automatically adapts the scaling in 604Ch here.

Note: If you would like to change to a different mode afterwards, you must adapt or reset the scaling in 604Ch if necessary.

If a different speed is necessary, it can be set using the scaling factor for the speed (object 604Ch) or the analog value (see Analog inputs).

Computation of the analog voltage

There are two modes for calculating the analog input voltage.

Normal mode
You must connect the enable, direction and analog inputs (see chapter X2 — Inputs/outputs and external logic supply). The maximum analog voltage corresponds to the maximum speed. The direction is preset here via the direction input. If there is no signal at the direction input, the motor turns clockwise (when looking at the drive shaft). There is a dead zone from 0 V to 20 mV in which the motor does not move.

Joystick mode
You must connect the release input and the analog input (see chapter X2 — Inputs/outputs and external logic supply). The half of the maximum analog voltage corresponds to the speed 0; the controller automatically adapts the offset in 3321h here.
Note: If you would like to change to a different mode afterwards, you must adapt or reset the offset in 3321h if necessary.
If the voltage drops below half, the speed increases in the negative direction. If the speed rises above half, the speed increases likewise in the positive direction. The dead zone here extends from Umax/2 ± 20 mV.

Test run with 30 rpm

The motor rotates at 30 rpm if the enable input is set.

▶   successivo
