Manuale online PD6-E/-EB EtherCAT

1C13h Sync Manager TxPDO Assignment


This object lists the activated Tx-PDO mappings (see 1A00h) and is written by the EtherCAT master. The PDOs must be configured in the "PreOp" bus state.

Object description

Index 1C13h
Object name Sync Manager TxPDO Assignment
Object Code ARRAY
Data type UNSIGNED16
Savable yes, category: communication
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

The number of entries was changed from 2 to 5

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "PDO-Mapping Index" to "PDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "PDO-Mapping Index" to "PDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "PDO-Mapping Index" to "PDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "PDO-Mapping Index" to "PDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Object Name" entry changed from "Sync Manager PDO Assignment" to "Sync Manager TxPDO Assignment".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "PDO Mapping Index" to "1st TxPDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "PDO Mapping Index" to "2nd TxPDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "PDO Mapping Index" to "3rd TxPDO Mapping Index".

Firmware version FIR-v2115-B1016293: "Name" entry changed from "PDO Mapping Index" to "4th TxPDO Mapping Index".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 01h
Subindex 01h
Name 1st TxPDO Mapping Index
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 1A00h
Subindex 02h
Name 2nd TxPDO Mapping Index
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 03h
Name 3rd TxPDO Mapping Index
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 04h
Name 4th TxPDO Mapping Index
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping no
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
▶   successivo
