CPB EtherCAT Technical Manual

Electrical properties and technical data


Description / value

Operating voltage 12 … 57.6 V DC
Rated current @40°C CPB3-...: 3 Arms
CPB6-...: 6 Arms (for temperature derating, see Overtemperature protection)
  • 15 Arms (@25°C)
  • 10 Arms (@40°C)
Peak current @40°C
  • CPB3-1-...: 3 Arms
  • CPB3-2-...: 9 Arms (for max. 5 seconds)
  • CPB6-1-...: 6 Arms
  • CPB6-2-...: 18 Arms (for max. 5 seconds)
CPB15-...: 45 Arms (for max. 5 seconds)

CPB3-..., CPB6-...:

Stepper motor open-loop, stepper motor closed-loop with encoder, BLDC sine commutated via Hall sensor, BLDC sine commutated via encoder

CPB15-…: BLDC sine commutated via Hall sensor, BLDC sine commutated via encoder
Note: External wiring is required for encoder and Hall sensor!
Operating modes Profile Position Mode, Profile Velocity Mode, Profile Torque Mode, Velocity Mode, Homing Mode, Interpolated Position Mode, Cyclic Sync Position Mode, Cyclic Sync Velocity Mode, Cyclic Synchronous Torque Mode, Clock-Direction Mode
Set value setting / programming Clock-direction, analog, NanoJ program
Interfaces USB, EtherCAT

Note: External wiring is required for USB and EtherCAT!

Encoder/Hall 1x SSI encoder, 1x Hall sensor, 1x incremental encoder (second SSI encoder can be configured instead)

Note: External wiring is required for encoder and Hall sensor!

I/O 12x general I/Os (one of which can be used as output for external brake), 2x analog inputs, 1x output for external ballast circuit
Overtemperature Protection circuit at temperature > 80°C
Charging capacitor For each ampere of rated current on the motor, Nanotec recommends a capacitance of approx. 1000 µF.
▶   successivo
