3210h Motor Drive Parameter Set
Contains the P and I components of the current, speed and position controllers for open-loop (only current controller activated) and closed-loop.
Object description
Index | 3210h |
Object name | Motor Drive Parameter Set |
Object Code | ARRAY |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Savable | yes, category: application |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | |
Firmware version | FIR-v1426 |
Change history |
Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "S_P" to "Position Loop, Proportional Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "S_I" to "Position Loop, Integral Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "V_P" to "Velocity Loop, Proportional Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "V_I" to "Velocity Loop, Integral Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "Id_P" to "Flux Current Loop, Proportional Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "Id_I" to "Flux Current Loop, Integral Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "Iq_P" to "Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "Iq_I" to "Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (closed-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "I_P" to "Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (dspDrive – Stepper Motor, open-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Name" entry changed from "I_I" to "Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (dspDrive – Stepper Motor, open-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (dspDrive – Stepper Motor, open-loop)" to "Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (open-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Name" entry changed from "Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (dspDrive – Stepper Motor, open-loop)" to "Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (open-loop)". Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Data type" entry changed from "INTEGER32" to "UNSIGNED32". Firmware version FIR-v1650-B472161: "Data type" entry changed from "INTEGER32" to "UNSIGNED32". Firmware version FIR-v1738-B501312: The number of entries was changed from 11 to 13. Firmware version FIR-v1738-B501312: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 00 to 0A changed from "no" to "RX-PDO". |
Value description
Subindex | 00h |
Name | Number Of Entries |
Data type | UNSIGNED8 |
Access | read only |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 0Ch |
Subindex | 01h |
Name | Position Loop, Proportional Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000800h |
Subindex | 02h |
Name | Position Loop, Integral Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
Subindex | 03h |
Name | Velocity Loop, Proportional Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00002EE0h |
Subindex | 04h |
Name | Velocity Loop, Integral Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 0000001Eh |
Subindex | 05h |
Name | Flux Current Loop, Proportional Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00881EE0h |
Subindex | 06h |
Name | Flux Current Loop, Integral Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 0007C740h |
Subindex | 07h |
Name | Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00881EE0h |
Subindex | 08h |
Name | Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (closed Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 0007C740h |
Subindex | 09h |
Name | Torque Current Loop, Proportional Gain (open Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 004DC880h |
Subindex | 0Ah |
Name | Torque Current Loop, Integral Gain (open Loop) |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 001D2B30h |
Subindex | 0Bh |
Name | Velocity Feed Forward Factor In Per Mille |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 000003E8h |
Subindex | 0Ch |
Name | Acceleration Feed Forward Factor |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | read / write |
PDO mapping | RX-PDO |
Allowed values | |
Preset value | 00000000h |
- Subindex 00h: Number of entries
- Subindex 01h: Proportional component of the S-controller (position)
- Subindex 02h: Integral component of the S-controller (position)
- Subindex 03h: Proportional component of the V-controller (speed)
- Subindex 04h: Integral component of the V-controller (speed)
- Subindex 05h: (Closed loop) Proportional component of the current controller of the field-forming component
- Subindex 06h: (Closed loop) Integral component of the current controller of the field-forming component
- Subindex 07h: (Closed loop) Proportional component of the current controller of the torque-forming component
- Subindex 08h: (Closed loop) Integral component of the current controller of the torque-forming component
- Subindex 09h: (Open-loop) Proportional component of the current controller of the field-building component
- Subindex 0Ah: (Open-loop) Integral component of the current controller of the field-forming component
- Subindex 0Bh: (Closed loop) Speed feed forward in tenths of a percent. Default is 1000 and, thus, a factor of 1.
- Subindex 0Ch: (Closed loop) Acceleration feed forward. Default is 0 (feed forward inactive). It applies during deceleration as well.