952 Fault Situation Counter Function The parameter specifies the number of fault situations since the last reset. Set this parameter to 0 to delete the the complete fault buffer. Object description Index 03B8h Object name Fault Situation Counter Object Code VARIABLE Data type UNSIGNED16 Savable no Access read / write PDO mapping no Allowed values Preset value 0000h Firmware version FIR-v2139-B1020888 Change history Description A fault situation consists of up to 8 faults, where each falut is defined by its 945 Fault Code and 947 Fault Number.
952 Fault Situation Counter Function The parameter specifies the number of fault situations since the last reset. Set this parameter to 0 to delete the the complete fault buffer. Object description Index 03B8h Object name Fault Situation Counter Object Code VARIABLE Data type UNSIGNED16 Savable no Access read / write PDO mapping no Allowed values Preset value 0000h Firmware version FIR-v2139-B1020888 Change history Description A fault situation consists of up to 8 faults, where each falut is defined by its 945 Fault Code and 947 Fault Number.
Function The parameter specifies the number of fault situations since the last reset. Set this parameter to 0 to delete the the complete fault buffer.
Object description Index 03B8h Object name Fault Situation Counter Object Code VARIABLE Data type UNSIGNED16 Savable no Access read / write PDO mapping no Allowed values Preset value 0000h Firmware version FIR-v2139-B1020888 Change history
Description A fault situation consists of up to 8 faults, where each falut is defined by its 945 Fault Code and 947 Fault Number.