CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

Profile Velocity


This mode operates the motor in Velocity Mode with expanded ramps. Unlike velocity mode (see "Velocity"), the actual speed can be monitored via an external encoder in this mode.

The limit switches - and therefore the tolerance bands - are active in this mode. See chapter "Tolerance bands of the limit switches" for further information about the limit switches.

Control word

The following bits in object 6040h (control word) have a special function:

  • Bit 2 is used to trigger an quick stop. If it is set to "0", the motor carries out a quick stop with the ramp set in object 6085h. Then the motor controller changes to the "Switch on disabled" state (6040h).
  • Bit 8 (Stop): On a transition of "0" to "1", the motor accelerates up to the target speed with the set starting ramp. On a transition of "1" to "0", the motor brakes and comes to a stop.

Status word

The following bits in object 6041h(status word) have a special function:

  • Bit 10 (target speed reached); Target Reached: This bit in combination with bit 8 in the control word indicates whether or not the target speed has been reached, the motor is braking, or the motor is idling (see table).


    Bit 10


    Bit 8

    0 0 Target speed not attained
    0 1 Axis is braking
    1 0 The target speed within the target window (defined in 606Dh and 606Eh)
    1 1 Speed of axis is 0

Object entries

The following objects are required to control this mode:

  • 606Bh(Velocity Demand Value):

    This object contains the output of the ramp generator which is the specified value for the speed controller at the same time.

  • 606Ch(Velocity Actual Value):

    Specifies the current actual speed.

  • 606Dh(Velocity Window):

    This value specifies by how much the actual speed may vary from the set speed for bit 10 (target speed reached; Target Reached) in object 6041h(status word) is to be set to "1".

  • 606Eh(Velocity Window Time):

    This object indicates how long the actual speed and the set speed must be near each other in magnitude (see 606Dh"Velocity Window") for bit 10 "Target Reached" in object 6041h(status word) to be set to "1".

  • 607Eh(Polarity):

    If bit 6 is set to "1", the sign (plus/minus) of the target speed is reversed.

  • 6083h(Profile acceleration):

    Sets the value for the acceleration ramp in velocity mode.

  • 6084h(Profile Deceleration):

    Sets the value for the braking ramp in velocity mode.

  • 6085h(Quick Stop Deceleration):

    Sets the value for the braking ramp for the quick stop in velocity mode.

  • 6086h(Motion Profile Type):

    Here the ramp type can be selected (0 = trapezoid ramp, 3 = jerk-limited ramp).

  • 604Ah(Velocity Quick Stop), sub-index 01h to 02h :

    The four jerk values are specified here if a jerk-limited ramp is set.

  • 60FFh(Target Velocity):

    Specifies the target speed to be attained.

  • 2031h(Peak Current):

    Maximum current in mA

Objects in Profile Velocity Mode

Mode activation

After the mode was selected in object 6060h(Modes of Operation) and the "Power State machine" (see "DS402 Power State machine") was switched to "Operation Enabled", the motor is accelerated to the target speed in 60FFh(see the following diagrams). The speed, the acceleration and, in the case of jerk-limited ramps, the jerk limited values are taken into account.

Limitations in the jerk-limited case

The following diagram shows the adjustable limitations in the jerk-limited case (6086h=3).

Limitations in trapezoid case

This diagram shows the adjustable limitations for the trapezoid case (6086h= 0).

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