CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual



This mode operates the motor with a specified target in a manner similar to a frequency converter. In contrast to profile velocity mode, this mode operates without a speed monitor and does not permit jerk-limited ramps to be selected.

The limit switches - and therefore the tolerance bands - are active in this mode. See chapter "Tolerance bands of the limit switches" for further information about the limit switches.

Control word

The following bits in object 6040h (control word) have a special function:

  • Bit 2 is used to trigger an quick stop. If it is set to "0", the motor carries out a quick stop with the ramp set in object 604Ah. Then the motor controller changes to the "Switch on disabled" state (see 6040h).
  • Bit 8 (Stop): On a transition of "1" to "0" the motor accelerates up to the target speed with the set acceleration ramp. On a transition of "0" to "1", the motor brakes according to the brake ramp and comes to a stop.

Status word

The following bits in object 6041h (status word) have a special function:

  • Bit 11: Limit exceeded: The target speed exceeds or undercuts the entered limit values.

Object entries

The following objects are required to control this mode:

  • 604Ch(Dimension Factor):

    The unit for the speed specifications for the following objects are defined here. If subindices 1 and 2 are set to value "1", the speed is indicated in revolutions per minute.

    Otherwise, sub-index 1 contains the multiplier and sub-index 2 the divisor with which the speed specifications are computed. The result is interpreted as revolutions per second; at object 2060h, the selection is made of whether these are electrical (2060h= 0) or mechanical (2060h= 1) revolutions per second.

    The target speed is set in user units here.

  • 6042h: Target Velocity

  • 6048h: Velocity Acceleration

    This object defines the start acceleration. Sub-index 1 contains the speed change, and sub-index 2 the associated time in seconds. Both together are computed as the acceleration:

  • 6049h (Velocity Deceleration):

    This object defines the deceleration. The subindices are structured as described in object 6048h, and the speed difference must be indicated by a positive sign.

  • 6085h (Quick Stop Deceleration):

    Emergency stop deceleration in case of the "Quick stop active" state of the "DS402 Power State machine"

  • 6046h (Velocity Min Max Amount):

    In this object the limitations to target speeds are specified.

    The minimum speed is set in 6046h:01h. If the target speed (6042h) drops below the minimum speed, the value is limited to the minimum speed 6046h:01h.

    The maximum speed is set in 6046h:02h. If the target speed (6042h) exceeds the maximum speed, the value is limited to the maximum speed 6046h:02h.

  • 604Ah (Velocity Quick Stop):

    The quick stop ramp can be set with this object. Subindices 1 and 2 are the same as specified for object 6048h.

The following object can be used for controlling the function:
  • 6043h (Vl Velocity Demand)

  • 6044h (Vl Velocity Actual Value)

Speeds in Velocity Mode

Objects for the Velocity Mode

The ramp generator follows the target speed while adhering to the set speed and acceleration limits. Bit 11 is set in object 6041h (internal limit active) when a limitation is active.

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