CL3-E CANopen/USB Technical Manual

Safety instructions and warnings

Important information

This technical manual must be carefully read before installation and commissioning of the motor controller.

Nanotec® reserves the right to make technical alterations and further develop hardware and software in the interests of its customers to improve the function of this product without prior notice.

This manual was created with due care. It is exclusively intended as a technical description of the product and as commissioning instructions. The warranty is exclusively for repair or replacement of defective equipment, according to our general terms and conditions; liability for subsequent damage or errors is excluded. Applicable standards and regulations must be complied with during installation of the device.

Nanotec produces component parts that are deployed in a variety of industrial applications. The selection and application of Nanotec products is the responsibility of the system constructor or end user (see Personnel qualifications). Nanotec accepts no responsibility for the integration of the products in the end system.

Under no circumstances may a Nanotec product be integrated as the sole safety control in a product or construction. All positioning controls without exception must be designed so that errors are detected dynamically and fail- safe under all circumstances. All products which contain a component part manufactured by Nanotec must show appropriate warning notices and instructions for a safe application and safe operation on delivery to the end user. All warning notices provided by Nanotec must be immediately passed on to the end user.

Nanotec only accepts an express warranty for the quality of its own products in agreement with the standards and specifications as they appear in the Nanotec manual. ALL OTHER IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUDED. Nanotec assumes no liability for injuries, product damage, loss or claims that arise through incorrect application of the products.

Nanotec does not take over any responsibilities for results caused by any unauthorized product changes. Nanotec does not take over any liabilities for damages or disruptions caused by any unauthorized product changes.

To submit criticism, proposals and suggestions for improvement, please contact the above address or send an email to:

Personnel qualifications

Work on and with this product may only be carried out by skilled workers
  • who are familiar with and have understood the contents of this manual
  • who have completed a training course or have the corresponding experience to be able to estimate, predict, or identify any dangers that may arise from using the motor controller
  • who are familiar with all applicable standards, legal provisions, and accident-prevention regulations that have to be complied with when working on and with the product
  • who are able to ensure personal safety when using the motor controller in an overall system

Operation may only be carried out when the specified cables and corresponding accessories are used. Use only original accessories and original spare parts.

General danger and warning notes


Only use this controller with the - by connectors and power - intended 2-phase stepper and BLDC motors. Otherwise there is a danger of fire or malfunction.

Do not use the product in areas where they are exposed to water, corrosive gases, flammable or explosive gases or fuel. Otherwise there is a danger of electric shock, fire or explosion.

Danger and warning signs

All signs listed in this documentation are printed in a standardized form. A hazardous situation is categorized according to the classes below depending on the level of hazard to the user or motor controller.

The DANGER sign indicates an immediately hazardous situation that, when the instruction is neglected, will unavoidably cause a serious or fatal accident.
The WARNING sign indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, when the instruction is neglected, may possibly cause a serious or fatal accident or damage to this device or other devices.
The CAUTION sign indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, when the instruction is neglected, may possibly cause an accident or damage to this device or other devices.
The CAUTION sign without the warning symbol indicates a possibly hazardous situation that, when the instruction is neglected, may possibly cause an accident or damage to this device or other devices.

Other information

The following additional information panels are used in this documentation:


This panel indicates a possibility for simplifying work.

This panel indicates possible error sources or risks of confusion.


  This panel contains an example.
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