6091h Gear Ratio
Number of motor revolutions per revolution of the output axis.
Object description
Index | 6091h |
Object Name | Gear Ratio |
Object Code | ARRAY |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Saveable | yes, category: application |
Firmware Version | FIR-v1426 |
Change History |
Value description
Sub-index | 00h |
Name | Highest Sub-index Supported |
Data type | UNSIGNED8 |
Access | Read only |
PDO Mapping | No |
Admissible Values | |
Specified Value | 02h |
Sub-index | 01h |
Name | Motor Revolutions |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | Read/write |
PDO Mapping | No |
Admissible Values | |
Specified Value | 00000001h |
Sub-index | 02h |
Name | Shaft Revolutions |
Data type | UNSIGNED32 |
Access | Read/write |
PDO Mapping | No |
Admissible Values | |
Specified Value | 00000001h |
Gear ratio = motor revolutions (6091h:01h) / shaft revolutions (6091h:02h)