NP5 SPI Online Manual


Before starting commissioning, we recommend reading chapters Connecting the controller and SPI configuration.

  1. Connect the SPI master to the controller via the SCK (source clock), MOSI (master out, slave in), MISO (master in, slave out) and CS (chip select) cables. Check that the earth (GND) of the master is connected to the earth of the controller.
  2. Supply the controller with voltage.
  3. Change the configuration values if necessary, see SPI configuration.
  4. To test the interface, send bytes 01 40 41 60 00 00 00 00 00 D4 to the controller and, after receipt of the first response (02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51), bytes 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51. (You can find a detailed description of the messages in chapter SPI message).
    Statusword (6041h) was read; you receive this response: 01 4B 41 60 00 XX XX 00 00 0A
▶   successivo
