Manuale online NP5 SPI

3400h NanoSPI Comm Rx PDO Assignment


Assigns the RX-PDO targets of the NanoSPI comm. bus. See chapter Map.

Object description

Index 3400h
Object name NanoSPI Comm Rx PDO Assignment
Object Code ARRAY
Data type UNSIGNED16
Savable yes, category: communication
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v1540: "Object Name" entry changed from "SPI COMM RX PDO Assignment" to "NanoSPI Comm Rx PDO Assignment".

Firmware version FIR-v1540: "Savable" entry changed from "yes category: application" to "yes, category: communication".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 02h
Subindex 01h
Name SPI COMM PDO Mapping Index #1
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 1600h
Subindex 02h
Name SPI COMM PDO Mapping Index #2
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 1601h
Subindex 03h
Name SPI COMM PDO Mapping Index #3
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 04h
Name SPI COMM PDO Mapping Index #4
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
▶   successivo
