Manuale online NP5 SPI

3410h NanoSPI Comm Controlword

Object description

Index 3410h
Object name NanoSPI Comm Controlword
Object Code VARIABLE
Data type UNSIGNED16
Savable yes, category: communication
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v1540: "Object Name" entry changed from "SPI NanoSPI Comm Controlword" to "NanoSPI Comm Controlword".

Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Savable" entry changed from "no" to "yes, category: communication".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 00 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".


The sub-master can be switched to various states via the controlword (see following table). The actual state can be found in statusword 3411h.

M_ON (Switch Sub-Master to "ON")
  • Value = "1": Switches the sub-master on
  • Value = "0": Switches the sub-master off again; the interface then behaves like a sub-slave
M_FC (Sub-Master full control)
Value = "1": The sub-master switches to the "Init" state and then immediately to the "Operational" state. In this state, a change of the PDO configuration has no effect.
M_IN (Switch Sub-Master to "INIT")
Value = "1": Switches the sub-master to the "Init" state
M_OP (Switch Sub-Master to "OPERATIONAL")
Value = "1": Switches the sub-master to the "Operational" state. In this state, a change to the PDO configuration has no effect.
▶   successivo
