Manuale online NP5 SPI

3413h NanoSPI SDO Request


Index, subindex, length and data value can be entered in this object; these values are sent from from the sub-master to the sub-slave (see NanoSPI mailbox). Subindex 1 is automatically written with the correct value when sending the message via 3412h. Alternatively, a message that is already finished and ready can be entered in object 3414h.

Object description

Index 3413h
Object name NanoSPI SDO Request
Object Code RECORD
Savable yes, category: communication
Firmware version FIR-v1426
Change history

Firmware version FIR-v1540: "Object Name" entry changed from "NanoSPI Can Message Transmit" to "NanoSPI CAN Message Transmit".

Firmware version FIR-v1626: "Savable" entry changed from "no" to "yes, category: communication".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B527540: "Object Name" entry changed from "NanoSPI CAN Message Transmit" to "NanoSPI SDO Request".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B527540: "Data Type" entry changed from "CAN_OPEN_MESSAGE" to "SDO_EXPEDITED_MESSAGE".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B527540: "Access" table entry for subindex 00 changed from "read/write" to "read only".

Firmware version FIR-v1650-B527540: "Name" entry changed from "CAN Header" to "SDO Header".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 00 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 01 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 02 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 03 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 04 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Firmware version FIR-v1939-B682906: "PDO mapping" table entry for subindex 05 changed from "no" to "RX-PDO".

Value description

Subindex 00h
Name Number Of Entries
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read only
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 05h
Subindex 01h
Name SDO Header
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00h
Subindex 02h
Name Index
Data type UNSIGNED16
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 0000h
Subindex 03h
Name Subindex
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00h
Subindex 04h
Name Length
Data type UNSIGNED8
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00h
Subindex 05h
Name Data
Data type UNSIGNED32
Access read / write
PDO mapping RX-PDO
Allowed values
Preset value 00000000h


If the value is read from the object dictionary of the sub-slave, only the following information is needed (subindices 4 and 5 are disregarded):

  • Index in 3413h:2
  • Subindex in 3413h:3

To write a value in the object dictionary of the slave, the following information is needed:

  • Index in 3413h:2
  • Subindex in 3413h:3
  • Length of the object in the object dictionary of the sub-slave in bytes in 3413h:4
  • Value to be written in 3413h:5
▶   successivo
